300, inscription

Destini 2022-03-18 09:01:02

The key words of the Battle of Wenquan Pass should be: man, tragic and strong.

The movie is very beautiful and dazzling, but it makes people's attention somewhat biased.

Many film reviews are fair and knowledgeable, but the one I saw last time mentioned that "The Battle of Wenquan Pass embodies the faith of the Spartans," I can't completely agree.

Everything starts with the cold epitaph

Epitaph of Simonides

Original: (I don’t know if it can be displayed)

L xein', angellein Lakedaimoniois hoti tēide

keimetha tois keinōn rhēmasi peithomenoi.

English translation:

Go tell the Spartans, passerby, That here, by Spartan law, We lie.

There are many versions in English translation, here is the original text of Frank Miller, in the "300" comic.

Note that by the law is translated into Chinese, according to the promise. And I think the translation is appropriate in accordance with the Spartan Code and Military Regulations.

If understood in this way, the essence of the entire inscription will be considered from a different angle.

A long time ago, art critic Ruskin believed that the purpose of the inscription was not to attract attention, but to fear that the Spartans in their hometown would misunderstand that they were fighters who escaped responsibility. He hoped that the monument would be erected to allow the past travelers to bring the facts back to their hometowns.

There is also a legend that only 298 Spartan remains were found at that time, and the other two did not participate in the battle and fled back to Sparta. The two were dismissed by the Spartans. One of them committed suicide because he couldn't stand the long-term contempt of his elders in his hometown; the remaining one went into battle again and died in battle.

This is the fate of the Spartan man, determined by the nature of the country of Sparta:

Unlike the democratic Athens, Sparta’s government is an oligarchy, a Greek city-state known for its harsh discipline, dictatorship, and militarism.

Sparta stipulated that all men must join the army, and women are also strong and tough. Think that the soldiers are going to die on the battlefield. In short, a hegemonic nation with all soldiers.

It's a far cry from the topic, but I want to write a few more words: The Persians will win the Battle of Wenquan Pass, but the price of victory is too great. 20,000 casualties were also given to the Athenian navy with precious time, enabling Athens to win the next naval battle. Without the navy, Persia could not provide supplies to the army, which had a fatal impact on the Persian army. Step by step led to the entire second Boss War (the first Boss War, Sparta did not lend a helping hand to Athens) once again ended in the defeat of the Persians (after this, it has a more profound political and cultural destiny for Persia and Greece. Influence). From then on, Persia could no longer invade Greece.

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Extended Reading


  • [while wrestling with his son]

    King Leonidas: In the end, a Spartan's true strength is the warrior next to him. So give respect and honor to him, and it will be returned to you. First, you fight with your head...

    Queen Gorgo: Then you fight with your heart.

    King Leonidas: [sees the Captain] What is it?

    Queen Gorgo: A Persian messenger awaits you.

    King Leonidas: Do not forget today's lesson.

    Pleistarchos: Respect and honor.

    King Leonidas: Respect and honor.

  • Dilios: It's been more than thirty years since the wolf and the winter cold. And now, as then, a beast approaches; patient and confident, savoring the meal to come. This beast is made of men and horses, swords and spears. An army of slaves vast beyond imagining, ready to devour tiny Greece, ready to snuff out the world's one hope for reason and justice. A beast approaches.