
Pedro 2022-01-29 08:11:43

I wanted to watch a movie like a fool. Unexpectedly shocking. Satire the government? In the Japanese view, yes, but in our view, it is a face-slap. People are harsh. The level of science and technology, engineering level, emergency response ability, organizational ability, execution ability... can be called awesome. The organization and discipline of the masses... can be called awesome. The government's procrastination is indeed a shortcoming that can be ridiculed, but which government does not have this shortcoming? I'm afraid other governments will just be more verbose and inefficient. Most of the government officials in the film are workaholics with strong ability, rationality, perseverance and decisiveness, and a strong sense of responsibility. If Japan is like this, terror, invincible in the world. The rhythm is lively, and the dialogue is also extremely fast and neat. Different Japanese feeling. The close-up of Godzilla's tail at the end of the film is a highly accomplished sculpture. Anno Hideaki can't be called a master, but he is also talented.

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Extended Reading
  • Jamarcus 2022-03-24 09:03:44

    Godzilla is not a selling point at all, the director's private goods are the key.

  • Ashtyn 2022-03-21 09:03:22

    It's not a monster movie in the traditional sense. It's very interesting to shoot. The focus is on the response of government agencies to the "giant unknown creature", and even the diplomatic setback. It is full of urgency and realism. All empty. Unsurprisingly, the whole feels very EVA, and the music is even directly used

Shin Godzilla quotes

  • Prime Minister Seiji Okochi: There is no precedent.

  • Hiromi Ogashira, Deputy Director of Nature Conservation Bureau: Man is more frightening than Gojira.