"Robin Hood": The Greenwood Hero?

Arch 2022-01-25 08:08:02

I went to the theater to see "Robin Hood", the first is for the heroic beauty of Russell Crowe and Cate Blanchett; the second is for the directing level of Oscar-nominated director Ridley Scott; the third It is the folk tale of Robin Hood itself. From the perspective of movie viewing returns, they also decrease in the order of my expectations: the story is relatively boring; Scott's skills are still there but no breakthroughs; the hero is not old, and the beauty remains the same!
As long as you are under the age of forty, you must have heard the name Robin Hood; especially for the younger generation, even if you don't like to read, you haven't seen Gilbert or Dumas' "Robin Hood" , Disney and NHK related cartoons must have seen some. In my impression, this hero who haunts Sherwood Forest, is famous for "robbing the rich and helping the poor", and is widely loved by the lower classes of civilians. The nature of love for freedom and various selfless acts of righteousness have brought him closer to the semi-fictional chivalrous spirit in Oriental martial arts. Because of his illustrious fame, or perhaps because adapting a folk tale does not require payment of royalties to the "original author", Robin Hood is also a darling of the Hollywood screen, the early "Emperor of Hollywood" Douglas Fairbanks, Errol in classic Hollywood Flynn, as well as Kevin Costner in the New Hollywood era, played Robin Hood in the movies. Regardless of the director's level of directing and the acting skills of the actors, in terms of the story and the character of Robin Hood, Scott-Crow's Robin Hood is the most tedious and unreal. This Robin Hood neither lives in the green forest nor sees him "robbing the rich to help the poor". After following the failed third crusade to investigate the Lionheart of England, he soon fell into his own "family romance". In: He is looking for his father. Sure enough, his father was no ordinary man, but a prophetic leader of medieval liberal democracy. As a result, under the ideological narrative of Hollywood, a good-looking green forest hero has become an enlightened "son of the bourgeoisie". What he shoulders is not chivalry, but a political path for the budding of modern capitalist economy.
Perhaps in the eyes of many fans, Ridley today is no longer Scott, who made "Alien", "Blade Runner" and "Gladiator", and his movies in recent years have never looked like those three. The movie received widespread attention and critical acclaim—and, of course, Blade Runner was only later recognized and crowned a classic. His current films seem to be stuck in a genre quagmire and a creative vacuum. That's what Robin Hood is, except for the level of detail in the scenes and details that is at the level of a standard Hollywood blockbuster, there really isn't a lot of fresh creativity or refreshing about the film. As far as the collective battle scenes that are indispensable for an action blockbuster are concerned, the siege battle in "Robin Hood" and the final seaside confrontation like the Normandy landing also make the audience feel familiar: everyone has already been in "Gladiator", "Troy". I have seen almost the same scene in the movie. Even Robin Hood's character has many similarities with the gladiator starring Crowe. Now that the tastes of audiences have been fed by Hollywood to be extremely picky, people are no longer inclined to pay for an "old movie" that has just changed its name. The failure of "Robin Hood" at the box office seems to be understandable.
Although I didn't see the Robin Hood I liked, I didn't get to relive my childhood memories of the hero through the movie, and even though the movie was so-so, I was quite satisfied with the hero and heroine of Crow and Blanchett. Many people's impression of Crowe is stuck on the gladiator he played, and my impression of him stems from "L.A. Confidential", the famous contemporary noir film. The introverted, calm, strong and tender LAPD (Los Angeles Police Detective) in the movie is really one of the most masculine images in today's Hollywood movies. Although the Robin Hood played by Crowe this time is not a deep role, the daring and demeanor of the actor is not less than that of the past; it makes people feel like a hero! Marian in the folk tale Robin Hood is a maid, and Blanchett, who plays Marian in the film, is indeed working in the fields while waiting for her husband to return, just like a peasant woman. But Blanchett, who has played Queen Elizabeth and the Elf Queen in The Lord of the Rings, has an undisguised aristocratic grace that even makes her dignified in front of her enemies. If Robin Hood in the movie subverts the previous image, then with this "subversion", Marianne also needs to change, and the temperament that Blanchett endows Marianne just matches Robin Hood, who has become a mainstream orthodox hero. stand up. Because of this match, Blanchett brought to life Marianne, and Marianne kept Blanchett's beauty alive on an ongoing basis.

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Robin Hood quotes

  • Marion Loxley: I trust you had an historic evening.

  • Robin Longstride: Lady Marion Loxley, My wife.

    Will Scarlet: Well played! A bit, a bit rash, well played nevertheless.