The film once again verifies a truth: women all over the world like bad men

Lukas 2022-10-21 17:34:37

DreamWorks' latest masterpiece has subverted the traditional hero image of the silver screen. What a delight.

The film once again verifies a truth: women all over the world like bad men. Let's take a look at the choice of the only female protagonist. Among the three male protagonists who have appeared successively, she chose the worst one. "People always think that I'm with him, I praise him, and they think I like him. Actually, I'm not." No matter how good you are, it's useless. No matter how many people admire him, it's just a cloud. Women love bad men.

Talk about the plot.

Megamind is a super villain who does all kinds of evil, loves provocation, and takes this as his passion in life, but when his only rival superhero dies, he has no joy. He said: what's the point of being bad when there's no good to try and stop you? "What's the point of being a bad guy when no one stops you?

- This is the so-called height of being bad .

So he started to I created a hero myself, in order to hope that my villain life can be happy again, however, this backfired, the character who originally hoped to be a hero turned into a villain.
Heros are not born, but made. Heroes are not born, but made. , but created.
Therefore, our tolerant megamind has become a big hero to save the city. He uses his bad to deal with the bad he built.

Although, black is part of my heart, I have a bad heart, but She said, white is also suits me white suits me (hint: I'm also righteous).

Favorite line:
I guess destiny is not the path given to us. But the path we choose for ourselves. I guess destiny is not the path given to us. Innate, but our own choice.

I prefer the future cartoons to continue to spread: the
film introduces Chinese elements, because there is a line, one thing falls to another, the
original English line is like this: There's a Ying for evety Yang.
My Chinese characters began to enter the international film industry ,congratulations.

My favorite character, of course, is the alien fish called minion!
In the end, when he was defeated by HAL, he sacrificed. In fact, he pretended to be dead, and the thief was cute. So loving.

Finally, let's talk about movie music.
Everyone must be familiar with Jackson's "bad" at the end, but Guns N'Roses' Welcome to the jungle interspersed in it is my favorite, haha.

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Megamind quotes

  • Metro Man: Should've known you tried to crash the party!

    Metro Man: Oh, I intend to do more than crash it! This is a day you and Metrocity shall not soon forget!

    Metro Man: It's pronounced METRO CITY!

    Megamind: Oh, potato, tomato, potato, tomato...

    Metro Man: We all know how this ends: with YOU behind bars!

    Megamind: [sarcastically] Oh, I'm shaking in my custom, baby seal leather boots!


    Megamind: You will leave Metrocity, or this will be the last you ever hear of... Roxanne Ritchi!

    [presses a button to show a captive Roxanne on a separate screen]

    Megamind: Huh?

    Metro Man: [gasps] Roxanne! Don't panic, Roxy... I'm on my way!

    Roxanne Ritchi: Yeah, I'm not panicking.

    Megamind: [smirking] In order to stop me, you need to find me first, Metro Man!

    Roxanne Ritchi: We're at the abandoned observatory!

    Metro Man: A-ha!

    Megamind: [lunges for the control and turns off the camera on Roxanne] Nooo! We're NOT! Don't listen to her, she's crazy!

  • Roxanne Ritchi: What secrets? You're SOOO predictable!

    Megamind: Predictable? PREDICTABLE? Oh, you call THIS predictable?

    [pulls a lever that opens up an alligator pool beneath Roxanne]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Your alligators, yeah, mm-hmm. I was thinking about it on the way over...

    Megamind: [pulls another lever that reveals a hidden gun] What's this? Boom! In your face.

    Roxanne Ritchi: Cliché!

    Megamind: No! Look! Watch!

    [brings down a gauntlet of blades]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Juvenile!

    Roxanne Ritchi: Shock and awe!

    [brings up a chainsaw]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Tacky!

    Megamind: OH, IT'S SO SCARY!

    [unleashes a cycle of spiked boots]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Seen it!

    Megamind: [frantic] What's this one do?

    [unleashes a flamethrower]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Garish!

    [Megamind breaks down]

    Roxanne Ritchi: Okay, the spider's new.

    Megamind: Spider?

    [sees a spider hanging in front of Roxanne. Minion just shrugs]

    Megamind: Uh... Uh, yes, the spyiiiiiider. Even the smallest bite from... "arachnis deathicus"... will instantly paralyze...

    [Roxanne blows the spider into Megamind's eye]

    Megamind: AARGH! GET IT OFF! IT BIT ME!