Poverty is probably going to take a lot of life to get rid of

Maeve 2022-03-23 09:01:37

The West, which is gradually going away, is obsessed with the atmosphere in the film.

Mexican-Indian detective to white detective: Your ancestors took wealth from our ancestors, but now these black-hearted bankers have taken yours.

Today, the wealth of the United States continues to accumulate, but the ordinary white people who used to be the masters of this country are gradually getting lost in this thriving country on the surface. Generations of poverty, poverty is like a genetic disease, shrouded in, unable to get rid of.

Occupy Wall Street is dominated by these ordinary white people. The country is getting richer and richer, but they are getting poorer and poorer. For example, the younger brother in the film is a laid-off worker. They seem to be insulated from the dividends of national development. The money goes to the bankers and financiers pocket.

In today's society, robbers no longer need to rob with guns, and cowboys' guns are no longer useful.

The car drove to the ruined street, and the brothers, who had been immersed in the success of grabbing money a second ago, quieted down. The roadside is full of bank loan advertisements. They are no strangers to these advertisements. It is because of poverty and the bewitchment of the bank that their ancestral property is in jeopardy.

Oil has been explored in the ground. About to change the fate of this family, they will never allow others to take away this land, and never allow others to take away their children's hope of escaping poverty.

The solidification of class makes it more difficult to overcome poverty. Poverty is a desperate effort to get rid of it!

Trump's election is not known whether it was populism or public opinion. De-globalization seems absurd under the current trend of the times, but ordinary white people buy it, and big companies spread their branches around the world, but they take away employment opportunities. Trump wants to build the Great Wall on the border, and they also buy it, because they don't have much porridge of their own.

And like my brother, the king of the plains.

This isn't a movie review, it just doesn't matter what you're thinking about right now. just to see later

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Extended Reading
  • Reyna 2022-03-20 09:01:31

    When the British make westerns, the main control is actually the screenwriter. The skin of the heist sheet is still "Lost Tragedy": the withered town, the abandoned oil pump, the aboriginal people who believe in Christianity, the hostess who suffer from the mortgage, and the desperate robbers, oh yes! And Nick Cave.

  • Sarah 2022-03-22 09:01:33

    A quirky contemporary anti-genre, road-west-crime-buddy film genre blend. The soundtrack is old-school nostalgic, and the photography highlights the emptiness of the Texas desert. The technique of zero flashback + gradual revealing of complex past events + blank background of characters reminds me of [Warrior]. The proprietress's "what don't you eat?" jokes about the politically incorrectness of the old sheriff's half-indian partner are hilarious. The bank and oil elements are wonderful. (8.3/10)

Hell or High Water quotes

  • Toby Howard: Slow down.

    Tanner Howard: I ain't speeding.

  • Toby Howard: [looking at the bank in Post] It's too big.

    Tanner Howard: That's what she said.

    Toby Howard: It's no good.

    Tanner Howard: This ain't the first rodeo.

    Toby Howard: Big bank.

    Tanner Howard: More money.