Watching Notes

Clementine 2022-02-07 14:58:33

The content of the movie scene - his own anatomy and his father's hospital are the pursuit of the soul, women and desires in the laundry, the tavern is alcohol impulse killing, the doctor asks the devil to send money, the funeral of the girl Margaret, the walk after the funeral, Margaret's heart is sprouting, the baby created, the church Margaret confesses, Faust seduces Margaret to kill her mother, Margaret learns the truth of her brother's accidental death, and chooses to sign in order to get Margaret's body A pact to sell souls, Faust in armor.

Good people, can escape, forgotten people, kill their own evil, people never stop pursuing the truth, the good and the beautiful, never stop.
Money, wine, and marriage in name only.

Incomplete exposure, turquoise, anemic color, but sometimes smooth, slow motion, image distortion, showing this very important image in Western civilization, literature and art, Faust. We are looking for the way of the soul, will we lose ourselves, will we be bewitched by desire, hunger, can we still be redeemed when we sell our soul?

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