
Ericka 2021-11-24 08:01:23

One day, the family asked, now I think of the big man as if he is far away.

It was raining at this time today, and a few days after that day, I explained that it was actually the weather. Seeing the warm people is not lonely, and the people are so annoying. After this year, he will think about it in winter. The family nodded and said yes, yes, yes, that's the case. After a while, the sound disappeared in another room.

I thought about it since the morning and yesterday. It was my mother's day. But this morning I looked at the month sign and thought that on the same day five years ago, she couldn't get out of the movie. The old woman next door was full of sadness. I know you are always uncomfortable on this day of the year. After that, I often watch the light in the big room. Both she and her son made the viewer feel that although the rain stopped outside, it seemed like it was always raining.

Two-thirds, the family in the second room handed over, look at this sentence that the king lives at the head of the Yangtze River, and I live at the end of the Yangtze River. There is so much water in the whole river, how much... I asked if it was in your Song Ci, and the family answered that I did not copy it.

I always wanted to take the 21st road to the Zhangqiu Botanical Garden by myself tomorrow. I used to say that if the weather is too hot, I don’t want to. It doesn’t seem to be hot tomorrow, but I decided to eat pancakes.

I want to think about the Ziwei Pavilion in Changqing. I want to write film reviews that summer, after the rain every night, I know Miura Chunma, and I still have my hometown in Jinan.

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Extended Reading
  • Einar 2022-03-21 09:01:37

    The foreshadowing in the front was a bit slow, and the torn book became interesting after it came back. Unfortunately, this Baba Duke is a paper man, which caused the horror to be average. Maybe the police station section suggests that it was the mother's psychological shadow that produced Babadook, and the son's genetics? ? ? So the son knew about the existence of Babaduk since he was a child, and the mother was a stubborn one. She had to do a lot of things to believe her son's words. The son could take medicine and sleep well. You should eat some too, and you have to stay up all night every day. In the end, the mother and son kept the ghost and kept the nightmare (the past) in the basement or saw the meaning of shadows and coexistence. already? Mother's acting skills are very strong, her stockings are very white, and the whole film doesn't seem to be dirty.

  • Vaughn 2022-04-21 09:01:41

    The grievance Qingda accompanied me to watch it at night, and the more I watched it, the more sleepy it became. Both the little boy and the female lead are excellent, but the plot is not so catchy and a little boring.

The Babadook quotes

  • Amelia: You are nothing. You're nothing! This is my house! You are trespassing in my house! If you touch my son again, I'll fucking kill you!

  • The Babadook: You can bring me the boy. You can bring me the boy. You can bring me the boy.