It's hard to write a note

Keven 2022-03-21 09:03:25

Late Spring 』はとても Su Qing ら しい Movies だと 思います. プロットが Jian 単 な の に, Japan's traditional な culture and the human world's fine や か な feelings を Liang く 伝 え ら れ ま し た. University professor Zeng Gong Zhouji が Niang Noriko に married さ せ す が, Noriko は married す る こ と を い や が っ て, father と い つ ま で も Yi O に ら し た い と い い ま す. Zhou Ji Niang's life is fortunate, and remarriage is す る と を つ い た. Private は び く り し た, と て も moved し ま す. The last scene of the middle, the father and the mother, the back of Zhou Ji's one person, the post of Zhou Ji, and the pain of the private. それからおFather さんはさびしくなりましたから. そ し て, Kiko and Hattori's feelings are white い and 思います. 実 は Kiko は Hattori's こと が 好 き で す が, self-confidence の 気 holding ち を escape げ た. Hattori's daughter and marriage contract が あ る か ら, そ の 気 ち は だ め と 思います. この思うは, その時代の古い伝 tradition や Morality を Guard る performance か も し れ ま せ ん.

とにかく, このpictures, meaning が deep い だ か ら, all さ ん time が あ っ た ら, ぜ ひ ご覧 く だ さ い ね.

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Extended Reading
  • Arturo 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    Girls back then were so pretty.

  • Vaughn 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    "Late Spring" is a musical work. By controlling the subtle rhythms of action, dialogue and editing, the film seems to construct a sense of melody that lingers endlessly; It is like the sound and picture organization of a Passacaglia: the rhythm of the scene action and the story progress in the picture and the stuttering dialogue in the soundtrack are the additions on the theme of one or two "bass" in the background. Variations, this is undoubtedly a realm that very few works can reach. What goes in the opposite direction is a description of post-war Japan - naturally, this film is by no means equal in this regard: in fact, it is the looming political The suggestion and right-wing conservative values ​​make the Electra complex and patriarchal self-sacrifice easy to accept (not the opposite logic!), which is really a very clever method.

Late Spring quotes

  • Noriko Somiya: I'd find it distasteful.

    Jo Onodera: What's distasteful? My wife?

    Noriko Somiya: No. You!

    Jo Onodera: Why?

    Noriko Somiya: It seems - indecent.

    Jo Onodera: Indecent?

    Noriko Somiya: Filthy, actually.

    Jo Onodera: Filthy?


    Jo Onodera: How far I've fallen! Filthy, eh?

  • Jo Onodera: Which way is Tokyo?

    Shukichi Somiya: Tokyo, that way.

    Jo Onodera: So east is this direction?

    Shukichi Somiya: No, that direction.

    Jo Onodera: Has it always been that way?

    Shukichi Somiya: Absolutely.

    [they both laugh]