Life's gambling

Rosetta 2021-11-16 08:01:27

Matt Damon’s legal mentor in the play told him a story:

He used to be a child prodigy who could interpret scriptures at the age of 12 and was better than a 40-year-old rabbi, but one day he suddenly found that he could not be Finding the existence of God among them, he could not deceive himself to go on like this, which made his rabbi family father never say a word to him since then, even if he later became a famous law professor.

When he devoted himself to law, he found that he was born to do this-our destiny chooses us,

so Matt asked him: If you have been here again, would you still make the same choice?

He replied: What choice?

There is no other choice.

It is rare to see Eastern teachers persuading students to become gamblers, but Western teachers believe that it is more important not to avoid oneself.

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Extended Reading
  • Lionel 2022-03-26 09:01:04

    This script is old-fashioned and cumbersome. In the first half, Damon wanders between the middle-class life represented by his girlfriend and the rivers and lakes represented by his partner Norton. Anchor target. The process of gambling is mixed with a lot of plausible poker phrases. In summary, it is nothing more than conveying "enough is enough". The generalization of gambling skills is to record cards and observe one's words. These are not shown in the movie, and Norton's tricks are not enough. Not surprisingly, it is incomparable to a gambling movie featuring casino wits. Norton's acting was so revealing that even I could tell he was with Damon in his performance at the poker table. In the end, in the decisive battle between Damon and Malkovich to win back their confidence, in fact, Malkovich didn't need to gamble at all, after all, it was his money, and the whole scene Markovich's angry and frizzy performance was more like a clown. Not a master, of course, the director also has some responsibility for the atmosphere, and Dahl has lost the grotesque film noir style in this film. This kind of bland film mixed into the Venice main competition mainly reflects Miramax's marketing ability.

  • Jaiden 2021-11-16 08:01:27

    The movie is actually quite realistic, John Malkovich is so handsome! And the Chinese translation is not very good, almost meaning

Rounders quotes

  • Mike McDermott: [after Moot Court] we're not going to talk? You left me pretty quick there

    Jo: You make like it was my decision

    Mike McDermott: Well, it wasn't mine: I came home and you were gone, you're just going to drop me like that?

    Jo: [Before breaking up with him] I learned it from you Mike. You always told me this was the rule. Rule number one: Throw away your cards the moment you know they can't win. Fold the fucking hand.

    Mike McDermott: Look this is our thing we're talking about alright? It's not some losing hand in poker

    Jo: I know exactly what we're talking about

    Mike McDermott: So, that's the last of it then?

    Jo: Yeah I would say good luck but I know it's not about "luck" in your game

  • Moogie: [behind the counter of his store convenient store] Hey, lemme ask you a question. In the legal sense, can fuckin' Steinbrenner move the Yankees? Does he have the fuckin' right to just move them?

    Mike McDermott: [while dropping off deliveries] How should I know that?

    Moogie: You didn't learn that yet?

    Mike McDermott: No, we get to Steinbrenner in third year law school.

    Moogie: Oh...