Kevin was fine, just that love was too hard to understand.

Jacklyn 2022-03-21 09:01:48

As Kevin grew from an infant to a child, his father was out and about and Eva (Kevin's mother) was his only companion in life. He tried to get close to his mother, but it was too hard, his mother was too hard to please. When Kevin shot all kinds of paints all over the room Eva had just tidyed up, Eva's first reaction was that Kevin was disobedient, picked up the water gun and stepped on it. But she never asked her son why he did it. Kevin's difference made his mother unacceptable. But young Kevin had no other way to get attention than to screw things up. He hates his mom for pretending to love him, he hates his mom for always playing the role of the poor man carefully, he hates his mom for never trusting him, he hates his mom for just being used to him but never loving him . All the puzzles and grievances piled up in his heart and could not be resolved. Doing evil was the only way Kevin could think of. From childhood to adulthood, Kevin played more like an adult role, he was required to think maturely, and if he couldn't do it, he was a devil. No one is willing to take the time to guide him, and the lack of quality company will eventually distort the child's mind. Kevin loves his mother and he has all her likenesses in him. Killing was his way out, and Kevin felt he would never get his mother's love. But day after day, my mother never missed an opportunity to visit, and she would arrive on time even if she didn't speak. The last hug is understanding. Mother's love is as plain as water, obscure and incomprehensible, but never absent.

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We Need to Talk About Kevin quotes

  • [repeated line]

    Eva: Franklin, where are you? Pick up the goddamned phone!

  • Franklin: Kev, Mom had something that she wanted to tell you.

    Eva: [Eva looks appalled and despite her efforts she finds that this time, she is unable to fake any sort of love towards Kevin] I wanted to... thank you for calling the ambulance.

    Franklin: ...And?

    Eva: And I was concerned... that you might be feeling... RESPONSIBLE.

    Kevin: Why is that?

    Eva: [on the verge of snapping] Because you were SUPPOSED to be looking after her!

    Franklin: We just don't want you to blame yourself.

    Kevin: No. I don't... I mean I... I never said I did.

    Eva: ...She's going to need a GLASS EYE, Kevin.