Favorite Anthony Hopkinson

Janelle 2022-04-08 08:01:02


"Are you going on a business trip or sightseeing?"
"Deal with unfinished business."
——The dialogue at the beginning of the movie "84 Charing Cross Street"

Actually, things are not unfinished, but unfinished Start.

Helen Humph had promised Frank a long time ago that he would be a guest in London, to see the bookstore and friends who had never been masked, especially Frank.

This time, I'm still talking about 84 Charing Cross Street, but this time I'm talking about the movie.
There are many famous collections of letters in history, but there are not many that can be used to make movies, right? "84 Charing Cross Street" belongs to a rare collection of letters.

The movie I saw should be the Taiwan version, only the people in that place unreasonably translated the name of the movie into "Blood Shadow", such a bloody and violent name, is the original translator's brain show? Are you funny?

Frank is played by the famous actor Anthony Hopkinson, which is almost the biggest highlight of my viewing experience. To be honest, this is not a good movie, and the plot is not smooth. This should be unavoidable in the film adaptation of the epistles. Although the screenwriter's job seems easy on the surface, because a lot of monologues fill it, and the monologues are the content of letters. But how can these letters with great time gaps be linked together? This is really a test writer.

Sadly, the screenwriter of this film is obviously not doing well in these places, and the plots are piled up piecemeal, as if all the scenes appear to reflect the content of the letters. But the letters are incoherent, the content is incoherent, and the time is jumping. How to show it?

I know that Hanlon Hanff once had a biography, "The Legacy of Q", why not use this book to restore Hanff's life?


However, Anthony Hopkinson's performance in the movie is really remarkable, worthy of the title of the old drama bone. In the movie, he played the image of a British middle-class gentleman to the fullest.

In the UK, the middle class is not a very wealthy class, so there is no helplessness or pressure in Frank's life. Frank is an honest man who is loyal to his wife and kind to his family. But in reality he was really unhappy. In the movie, there are two scenes of him eating with his wife. From the beginning to the end, he only has two sentences: "It tastes good, it's delicious." I doubt whether he is at the dinner table after marriage, and only has These two sentences?

It can be said that it was Hanlon Hanff's letter, which inspired the imagination in his heart. Life has a letter from Hanlon Hanff, and it is no longer gray, but also colorful. He even started to like the Beatles. In one scene, Frank sits on a bench and thinks:

But I must say, I kind of like the Beatles, as long as the fans don't scream.

Frank is like a man living in contradiction, forever living in repression and passion, old-fashioned and open. And Anthony Hopkinson seems to be the perfect person to play that role. In the movie, he showed the image of an old-fashioned, but emotional British gentleman vividly, with a nod and a smile so charming.

If, if Frank hadn't died when Hanlon Hanff arrived at the bookstore, would she not have fallen deeply in love with this man?


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Extended Reading
  • Sophia 2022-04-20 09:02:56

    Katie "Book Fate • Love". It was Anthony Hopkins and Judi Dench. Also, the United States is short of books, and the United Kingdom is short of ham. It is enough to have a confidant in life. At that time, doing business was real, but unfortunately such old-fashioned stores are gone. "Buying a book I haven't read is against my principles, it's like buying clothes I haven't tried on," Helene said. Well, I buy books I haven't read, just like I buy clothes I haven't tried on.

  • Fredy 2022-04-14 09:01:07

    Never seen each other, I miss you. I've never met, and I'm very emotional.

84 Charing Cross Road quotes

  • Maxine Stuart: The shelves go on forever. They go up to the ceiling and they're very old and kind of gray - like old oak that absorbed so much dust over the years they no longer are their true color. There's a print selection - or rather a long print table with Cruikshank, Rackham, and Spy and all those old wonderful English caricaturists and illustrators that I'm not smart enough to know a lot about. And there are some lovely old. old illustrated magazines.

  • Frank P. Doel: [reading aloud from a letter from Miss Hanff] "Tell the girls and Nora, if all goes well, they're getting nylons for Lent."