I am a good person, am I?

Johnathon 2022-04-13 09:01:07

Many film critics were dissatisfied with Victor's setting and thought he was a scumbag, but that's not the case at all. He is actually a lot like Otis in "Sex Study Room". They all try to be good people, and although they sometimes become bad people, they are still good people at heart.

I don't think Victor is scum, but real. People who have actually experienced sexual self-identification will understand why they force themselves to get along with girls, and will be overjoyed to mistake the occasional spark for proof of their heterosexuality. Victor he loves mia very hard, and is very responsible to love and dedicate, try to have sex with mia. It doesn't mean that he was scum when he fell in love with benji before he broke up with mia, because self-identity is like this, love is a feeling, and it can't be done.

If I stand from the perspective of the heroine and learn that Victor is gay, I may be angry for several days, but if I understand Victor's mental process, I can fully understand and forgive him, and I don't think that in this paragraph I was betrayed and deceived emotionally. Because Victor didn't cheat, he didn't hide his sexuality from the heroine from the beginning, and regarded mia as a pawn to reverse his sexuality; he only found his sexuality later, instead of playing with mia's feelings from beginning to end . Moreover, when Victor just found out about his sexuality, it is impossible to break up with mia immediately, he will definitely waver, because he is reluctant to accept himself at this time, and he does not know how to confess this to mia.

I think the whole story is very delicate, although it is a little trivial, but this is how life is.

Also, tell the screenwriter that in the second season, I want a sweet love between Victor and benji.


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Extended Reading
  • Chadrick 2022-04-18 09:01:20

    The rhythm is too slow to watch

  • Brent 2022-04-16 09:01:09

    Almost every LGBTQ person will have this process of "recognizing themselves". The heroine in the play is miserable at the moment, but she is lucky in the long run, because compared to some terrifying gay cheating marriages, it is heavenly peace. A hell of a difference. The ending is reminiscent of "Pose".