Beginnings and Endings--Huge Plot and Characters

Adrienne 2022-08-02 11:23:42

I don't want to kiss the girl I love for myself. Open the hole, open it hard. As expected of the director of the security system, the old man was schizophrenic. After two seasons of the liver, the stamina is too great, so I have to write it down. To be honest, I really like Noah's character. I was amazed by his evil spirit from the part of sweeping the floor in the bunker (good figure, huh). Then, after knowing that Sharlotte was his daughter, he wanted to know more about his bitterness and hatred, but he didn't expect to be killed by his sister directly. Elizabeth doesn't seem to have the same name, so she has a daughter with her granddaughter?

Ah, ah, can the screenwriter be more restrained? In the end, although Martha in another world is not very good-looking and has dark clothes, she should be on the bright side, so why not change her name to Bright next season? Did I guess wrong? I'll be watching next season soon. There should also be an Adam in another world. The dark Adam on this side wants to fight against God (time), and the one on the other side should be obedient. So Martha's not dead. Speaking of which, I still like Jonas and Martha. First of all, the male lead is really handsome, and the more Martha looks at him, the more beautiful he is. With such a huge plot and character relationships, a screenwriter should be overwhelmed, and the time line is so complicated, it is also difficult to film, and I have to admire the Germans.

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Beginnings and Endings quotes

  • Investigator Clausen: Expectations lead to disappointment. "Have hope," my mother used to say, "not expectations. You might just be surprised, but not disappointed."