movie "The Horse Whisperer"

Kira 2022-03-21 09:02:40

The movie "Horse Whisperer" can be said to belong to the moderate side of the movie, without a tense storyline or a collision of exciting emotional sparks. Some are just tension in peace, and infinite deep affection in gentleness. The philosophy of life in the film is like a stream that silently flows into the hearts of the audience with the development of the film, triggering profound thinking.

The film is narrated by an accident. Grace lost her best friend in a riding accident, and her right leg was amputated. And her horse "Pilgrim" was seriously injured and became a mad horse with fear and even hatred for Grace. Grace also became depressed and depressed. Mother Annie finds Tom, known as the "Horse Whisperer", to get her daughter back on its feet. In the village far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, like a paradise, Tom found the key to communicate with the horse, so that the "pilgrim" gradually recovered, Grace gradually became cheerful, and Annie also did what Tom did And heart-to-heart...

Spiritual communication is a major theme of this film, including the communication between people, the communication between people and nature, and the self-face of people.

The spiritual communication between people is mainly reflected in two aspects:

one is between Annie and Grace. Since the accident, Grace's personality has been gloomy and extreme, and everything has stood on the opposite side of Annie, which actually has a deep origin. It is not difficult to find from the film that Annie, the editor-in-chief of the magazine, is a typical successful woman with a strong character and strong sense of responsibility. However, her strength in work has brought estrangement to her family. She is increasingly lacking a common language with her husband, and the distance with her daughter is getting farther and farther. So when Grace had an accident, this hoarding contradiction broke out again and again, and the rift between mother and daughter grew. At this time, Annie showed the weakness and helplessness that a woman should have, her inner painful struggle and powerlessness. The quarrel on the journey made the mother and daughter face the contradictions and estrangements between each other, the life on the ranch and the process of treating the "Pilgrim" made them slowly harmonious, and finally when Grace got back on the "Pilgrim", The mother-daughter relationship has been perfectly united.

The second is between Annie and Tom. At first, in order not to delay her work, Anne hoped that Tom would come to the city to heal the "pilgrims" for her, but Tom refused. So she took her daughter and horse to the distant Montana Mountain by herself. This surprised Tom, who saw Anne as a brave woman. In the common life in the ranch, Annie gradually became a member of the ranch from the estrangement at the beginning, and gradually became familiar with Tom. Annie is no longer so strong, her strong appearance is actually helpless, weak and tired, and Tom also has a gentle and simple heart in his strong body. They got to know each other, attracted to each other, and finally fell in love.

The communication between man and nature is mainly reflected in man and horse, namely Grace and "Pilgrim", Tom and "Pilgrim". The ancient Greeks believed that the horse was the shadow of Poseidon, the god of the sea, and a gift from the gods. However, in the history of man and horse, the horse became a tool for man. Grace loves "Pilgrims", she doesn't understand why "Pilgrims" are so afraid of her after the accident, not letting her approach or touching her, she can't see what "Pilgrims" are thinking. In stark contrast to her is Tom, who is a "horse whisperer". Horse training is not just a job for him, but more of love language. When he tamed the "pilgrim", he did not force it, but let the "pilgrim" return to nature, seeking peace in the vast pastures, while he just watched silently. It is precisely in this way that the "pilgrims" gradually accepted and took the initiative to approach Tom. They were each other's balance and closeness. Both parties were active, and they were two equal subjects. At the end of the film, Grace re-touches the "pilgrim" with Tom's help. The long stroke is the approach of man and horse, the communication of each other's hearts, and a process of acceptance.

It can be said that people's self-face can be said to be one of the highlights of this film. In the competitive city life, Annie had to be strong, even tough as a woman. The competitive psychology and social pressure made her "not sleep well anywhere." In the closeness to nature, she found her true self in her heart, and the unquenchable drifting feeling in her heart made her lonely and helpless. Tom's appearance seems to be the freshener of her life. He has a set of his own way of life, knows what he is thinking, what he is doing, and helping others through his life. She was attracted to him. Tom had a failed marriage, and maybe he couldn't have a relationship at his age, and he couldn't take any more hurt. But when facing Annie, a married woman, he still faced his feelings honestly, and he loved her. However, their feelings are against traditional moral feelings, although from the heart. The reality has to make them face, self-reflection, self-selection, standing at the crossroads of emotions and hesitating, they must make difficult and firm moral choices, not only for themselves, but also for their families. In the end, the two returned to their respective worlds. In the frank self-face, brave introspection and self-consciousness, I found my own position and confidence again.

After watching the film, in addition to spiritual communication, there is another point I have to mention: the opposition and integration of urban civilization and rural civilization. Annie's family is a representative of urban civilization, Tom's family is a representative of rural civilization. At the beginning, the two were incompatible. When it came to cattle herding, Annie thought of the difference between the two types of steak. When training horses, Annie began to ask about the progress, which reflected the economy and fast-paced nature of urban civilization. The pursuit of urbanites. Life on the ranch represents the peace, tranquility, nature and casualness of rural civilization. As Annie and Grace gradually integrate into the ranch life, the two civilizations are slowly combining, seeking a balance between each other.

The movie "Horse Whisperer", by comforting and saving a very spiritual animal, the horse, gradually exposes the contradictions and weaknesses of human nature. I think it is not only horses who need horse whisperers, but perhaps we humans are more in this complex society. "Human Whisperer" is required.

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Extended Reading
  • Alyson 2022-03-19 09:01:06

    Scarlett’s famous work was so green back then. The original book is the best-selling publication in 1998, and I want to read it again

  • Alyson 2022-03-27 09:01:14

    The book and the movie have opposite endings. The urban-rural contradictions of the American version and the romantic and casualism of the big farm have captured the beauty editors of the metropolis. Scarlett's eyes have been bright since childhood!

The Horse Whisperer quotes

  • Tom Booker: [over the phone] Am I being too polite here when I say no in Nevada? Does that mean yes where you are?

  • Grace: I've decided about Pilgrim.

    Annie: Oh.

    Grace: I think we should put him down. It's not fair to let him suffer.

    Annie: Well I think that's a very...

    Grace: And maybe we should put me down too.