teacher hiccup

Jevon 2022-04-16 08:01:01

What makes the most sense in the movie is that even ghetto kids are gifted, and each has their own unique and distinctive strengths. The teacher helped everyone realize this. There was a child who had excellent mental arithmetic ability, faster than a calculator, but when the teacher encouraged him, he questioned, 'What benefits can education bring us, graduates with master's degrees have to go to the slums to sell cleanliness Agents, I now earn several times as much money as they make a day in gambling. The teacher replied, "I don't want you to sell cleaning agents. You like gambling. Do you dare to gamble legally? Find an international platform, such as Stock speculation, or simply do financial-related work. I forgot the original words, the general idea is that. For these children, let them see hope for the future of life, let them understand the meaning of education. Of course, movies are beautiful ideals, but at least give us hope. Looking forward to the future.

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