Impressed by Huskies

Jaquelin 2022-03-23 09:02:39

Before watching this movie, maybe due to the influence of some funny videos, I always felt that the husky was "two" and would "demolition" at any time. I couldn't raise a husky without any psychological and financial capacity? After watching the film, I was in awe of the husky . I used to take it for granted.

In fact, when Togo was a child, it was really bad, to the extent that the new owner would return it shortly after the owner gave it away. But Togo is not a riot for no reason, its bones are the blood of the sled dog leader. Born to run fast and have perseverance. The owner also changed from disgust at the beginning to admiration, until the later period of trust and dependence on Togo. In order to save the village, the sled team braved the severe cold, snow and many difficulties to complete the mission of delivering the serum. The whole movie made people nervous and sweated for the sled team.

What struck me the most was not the movie itself, but that Togo was real, and the movie was based on real events. Aside from all artistic expressions, things are admirable enough. The loyalty and dedication of dogs to humans is touching.

See Husky again in the future, and I will change it~

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Extended Reading
  • Nat 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    8.8 points? Really fake, such a routine film

  • Henri 2022-01-07 15:53:37

    A natural leading dog, even the translator has to bark "Brother".

Togo quotes

  • Leonhard Seppala: What does he bring to the breed?

    Constance Seppala: The heart of a survivor.

  • Leonhard Seppala: Come, my pups!

    Leonhard Seppala: Are we to fear ice now?

    Leonhard Seppala: He, which hath no stomach in this fight, let him depart.

    Leonhard Seppala: His passport shall be made, we would not die in that dog's company!

    Leonhard Seppala: Old dogs forget, but he who would remember with advantages what feats he did that day.

    Leonhard Seppala: Then shall our names, familiar in his mouth as household words-Seppala, the driver.

    Leonhard Seppala: Sally, Molly, and Reverend Togo, great Togo in lead!