The original party's complaints

Yasmin 2021-11-27 08:01:17

"Book Thief" is my first work where I watched the original and then watched the movie, but the effect of the film adaptation was not ideal.
The rhythm of the film feels unremarkable, and the whole film feels like a heavy children's educational film, which can't leave people so deeply shocked. But when I finished reading the book for the first time, I was really abused as a dog. The class was still studying at night. I tried my best not to cry, but my tears couldn't stop falling. When the god of death took away the characters one by one, my father’s silver eyes, mother’s snoring, Rudy’s smirk when he said "kiss, little piglet", the scenes of the past seemed to appear in front of me, making me feel as if Really saying goodbye to the one I love deeply, "The Book Thief" is undoubtedly a masterpiece.
First of all, the biggest feature of the original work is its delicate and warm brushstrokes, a graffiti-like illustration, a psychological description that makes people laugh, and a seemingly meaningless explanation of words, allowing people to find a sense of truth and intimacy in the trivial. When I watch a movie, I feel like I’m looking at the synopsis. In addition, the original work is very ingenious and evocative in terms of the impermanence of the world and the ill-fated. For example, Rudy refused to go to military academy in order to avoid the war. Daddy Dee became the only survivor of the family; because of the jealousy and anger of a young man, Hans was squeezed into the most dangerous seat on the truck, but they exchanged fate because of this-the young soldier greeted his death, and Hans Be able to return home. I have to complain about Hans’s experience in joining the army. The movie is so cute, the money passed before the flowers are used up, and there is nothing that really describes the cruelty of war and describes the human nature in the battlefield.
Then let's talk about the characters. The character in the movie that deviates the most from my imagination is Rudy. The yellow-haired young lady chosen by the actor looks younger than Lisell, and she feels that it’s not against him to play a noble young master in a court drama. And Rudy, this crazy kid who painted himself black and wanted to win the world, this bear kid who has stood up for his "little pig" countless times, this one will give bread to the Jews along the way, and will die for the imminent death of duty. The pilot sent the last bit of comfort to the boy, who always exudes the courage to be bold, just like the "candle-like blond hair" written in the book, and there is a young and enthusiastic jump in Rudy's thin chest. heart of. Therefore, only if the character of Rudy is better portrayed, this young love will not appear abrupt, and the late first kiss will be green and unforgettable.
Let's talk about Marx. In the movie, I feel that he is a warm man raised in the basement. The younger brother is very handsome but he doesn't look like persecuted at all. The real Marx was a Jewish boxer. In the damp and dark basement, he has to fight with the mustache head for several rounds every day. No matter how many times he is knocked down, no matter what kind of taunts, he will always stand up from the pool of blood again and again, even if there is almost nothing on the ground. People know his existence, even if he has no power to restrain the chicken, but he can always win in this spiritual contest. I have to say here that my favorite part of the book is the two "books" that Marx gave to Lissel-"The Watcher" and "The Man Who Takes the Words". When I saw the movie, I changed it. When I turned into a blank book, I was really angry... because these two simple little books, hand-painted by Marx, are very sincere and sincerely telling how much friendship from this little girl was in the days of war. Precious, how powerful is the power of words, how true is the desire for freedom in the sun, and so on.
There are too many plots and too many shots in the original book. I want to see it on the screen. Every story is so tender and helpless. Every character is so small and tense. The story that happened around the book thief is even the whole The epitome of the times, and the topic of eternal love, is not only unexpectedly caught off guard, but also destined to be inevitable. I know that tens of minutes can't fully interpret this hundreds of pages of work, but I know that if I just watched the movie, I would definitely not have the intention of watching the original.

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The Book Thief quotes

  • [from trailer]

    Rudy Steiner: You're hiding someone, aren't you?

  • Liesel Meminger: Are you hiding from Hitler?

    Max Vandenburg: Yeah, I'm a Jew.