Bergman and Levinas

Ambrose 2022-09-22 07:07:22

This number should not be marked with a movie, but writing a movie review is about writing philosophy, so it doesn't matter.

You could say Wild Strawberry is talking about the Old, but Bergman's motive, at least from The Virgin Spring, is that of sin. Bergman asks, why are people guilty, and who is judging us?

In "Wild Strawberry", the two sides of tension are two young people who fall in love with the same girl. "So, does God really exist?" The girl jokingly asked a question that is unique to modern people. She didn't understand that the person who asked this question had already given a negative answer to this question. God is not the object of questioning.

Before God, women become an other. She didn't deserve to be involved in the argument, so she was kicked out of the contest. But what dominates the debate? Is it rational (male)?

Faced with the question of God's existence, God can only laugh. This question is as stupid as asking why people are guilty.

Thirty years dead, "Your wife accuses you of guilt." Who is this speaker? Servant of God, and also the examiner of the final exam in the dream. With trembling hands, Isaac took up a huge still and poured himself a glass of water. Aren't these two dreams the same dream? Who is speaking? father. Father's voice.

So, "What's my punishment?" "I don't know, let's do it as usual." "Routine?" "Loneliness." Loneliness is not a sin, loneliness is the punishment for sin.

Loneliness is a punishment. For a modern man, loneliness is a contradictory non-contradiction, the essence of modern man, and the essence of rationality.

Reason and women can become a pair, and there is so deep a tradition in it that it is not too wrong to use this image directly. In reason, the other is absent; the male has no other dimension. Is Isaac's daughter-in-law a feminist? She has done it better than most contemporaries, so what's the ending? Women want to be enlightened, but what they encounter is the torrent of postmodernity. Loneliness is the fate of modern people, the fate of arrogance. Loneliness is punishment, arrogance is sin.

All man does is to try to be God. However, in the dream, the person in power will surely pray the most sincere prayer in front of the cross. It is not a performance, but a performance. Man cannot become God, man will fail forever in another world.

Bergman was cowardly because the ending was good. It is incredible that Isaac can reconcile with the dream. Reconciliation is impossible. The clock with no hands turned, and Isaac grasped an indescribable violence and existence within it. Isaac, loneliness is always with you.

From his youth, Isaac "only secretly kisses" his lover and "talks about sin". "I sometimes feel like I'm much older than Isaac." That's a ridiculous truth. Rational beings are cheerful and lively children who measure the world and God with their rulers. But does Isaac have a god in his heart? While the two boys were arguing about the existence of God, Isaac was mysteriously silent. Isn't this Isaac Bergman himself?

To be an old man, in Bergman's eyes, means the constant presence of the inescapable Other. He is constantly present, in dreams, in each present; rather, each present is the Other itself. How safe does it feel to wake up from now and hear the movement of the second hand?

Wrong, everything is wrong. Isn't the person who questioned the existence of God really the pious person? Standing before eternity, everyone kneels, repents, repents. Confession, no fault, but only for this survival. Just living, just thinking, you should repent.

At least five shots are doing female metaphors. Couples as young as gas stations don't forget to install a gender bridge. What does it mean to give birth? This is not a modern problem, but a postmodern problem. If there is no God, why do people face the loneliness of existence? If there is no God, to whom do I repent?

Seeing the cold old woman and Samsara, she also insisted on keeping the baby in her belly. This is the transformation of women. "Let me be his godfather." But what about the Holy Father? Where are you?

The gods are gone, old age is waning, and youth is waning. People owe others in existence, but they don't know who to confess to. This is the black and white 20th century. "The weather is nice," "but there's lightning."

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Extended Reading

Wild Strawberries quotes

  • Marianne Borg: I saw you with your mother, and I was panic-stricken.

    Professor Isak Borg: I don't understand.

    Marianne Borg: I thought: That's his mother. An old woman, cold as ice, more forbidding than death. And this is her son, and there are light years between them. He himself says he's a living corpse. And Evald is growing just as lonely, cold and dead. And I thought of the baby inside me. All along the line, there's nothing but cold and death and loneliness. It must end somewhere.

  • Professor Isak Borg: I have liked having you about the house.

    Marianne Borg: Like a cat.

    Professor Isak Borg: A cat, or a human being.