The first season of the first generation of vampires

Mariela 2021-11-30 08:01:29

# Klaus

Klaus is not only a hybrid of blood, but in many other ways it seems to be a combination of multiple contradictions. Kind and cruel, evil and noble, rational and mad. In the shot he had just transformed, it really looked like a beast. For a moment, I felt that the real person was no longer human.

# Elijah

The role of Elijah is still very popular in "The Vampire Diaries".

But here only makes me feel that this is a real scumbag. Every time he killed with brutal methods, he would say a polite word in London accent, and then put out an orchid finger. This is the first time I have this feeling: this man is just wrapped in that neat suit, inside is a murderous, bloody, unblinking demon, elegant and courteous, teetering outside, as if falling apart at any time.

Klaus seems to be the person who gets stuck the most times in the whole play. Although he has an immortal body, he is already full of holes in his spirit.

The entanglement between Hayley and the two brothers completely imitated "The Vampire Diaries" and didn't like it.

From some angles, Elijah looks a lot like Stephen.

And he seems to have a beard in the later period..., if the vampire's body can continue to grow, then it should also age.

This setting is not very reasonable.

# Rebekah

Rebekah is not as sexy and beautiful here as in The Vampire Diaries. But the lack of heart is still the same as always. When she re-accepted Marcel, she really hated iron and steel. A woman who succumbed to sensuality.

# Hayley

This person came in through the back door... When she knew that she was the royal family among the werewolves, she was happy in her heart. She said it was for children, but like many mothers with children in reality, there may be times when they do things for their children, but there are also many times when they use children as a shield to conceal their desire for power. Hayley is like that. If it's really for the child, he won't run around for the werewolf with a big belly, but raise the baby with peace of mind and give birth to the child before doing other things. But she just can't wait. The great opportunity is right in front of her. If it happens, she will be a real princess.

In the second season, after killing her enemy, she kept crying and needed Klaus to persuade her to point out that she was a princess, so that she would continue to accept the remaining werewolves. This scene is like those emperors who had to ascend to the throne pretending to accept the dissuasion from the officials in ancient times.

Moreover, when persuading the werewolf to make herself a leader, it completely showed that she had no leadership and had no understanding of politics. So compared to this desire, it seems even more ridiculous.

Hypocrisy, incompetence, and desire for power are bursting.

# Marcel

He was entrenched in the city at first and did not want to leave, but after being defeated, he still gathered the rest for his own use. Even in the later stage, he still shouted that he was fighting for the soul of this city.

But I don't think it is so noble. What is the spirit of this city? It was never mentioned in the play. More likely, it is because he was once a man, so he must become a man. If he left the city, he would be nothing, no foundation or background. This is why he can't leave the city, instead he has to stop and build an army of vampires.

# davinna

This is the only favorite character in the play. Some people may think she is more selfish, always thinking of herself. But this is normal. Compared to other people's strong background, she has nothing but to struggle on the verge of death, let herself live, take care of family and friends, and want to become stronger.

On the contrary, other people are also like this, but the desire to live and to live better is obscured by other things.

Genevieve and her are the same kind of people, kind, but in the end they had to succumb to Esther's threat in order to survive.

The name Genevieve sounds so nice, as if it had flowers blooming from the lips when it was pronounced.

# camie

I don't know if I remembered it wrong, it was the master of psychology in the bar. I don't know if it's a coincidence, it looks a bit like Hepburn.

This part of evading klaus with my own tips is not bad, very clever. But after the death of the uncle priest, he ignored his uncle's last wish and wanted to resurrect him with the blood of a vampire, seeing the weakness and selfishness in human nature. I just want to ease my discomfort, not my uncle's rest.

But after the uncle really left, she was drinking with Marcel in the church, the posture was so casual as to be on vacation... Maybe the transition given by the director was difficult, and it would be difficult for people who have not experienced real pain to perform.


These people fought for such a long time, it was essentially a maneuver drama, but in the end nothing was established and nothing was obtained.

Although it is not shown in the play, for so long, the gap between this vampire-ruled city and the human city will grow wider and wider.

They use the telephone to communicate. But no vampire has ever taken a career in technology. Can it be said that every call they make is actually monitored by humans? In this world, don't look at vampires being overbearing, but they basically don't love the Internet and technology, they only know how to fight for power. If there is a camera surveillance, I am afraid I will not notice it. Maybe the humans in this world are just like us watching a drama, sitting in front of the screen eating melons and eating happily.

They smashed it down day by day, it was easy to damage, and it was difficult to build. The streets and cities must be declining day by day. In this way, it seemed to bring their own death breath to the surrounding objects. This is a dying city.

Energy is conserved. They die and come back to life, and their flesh and blood regenerate many times, and they must require a lot of energy. Just by drinking blood, the growth rate of human beings cannot keep up with the rate at which they suck. In other words, the normal human population in this city is declining day by day. The environment will become more and more empty.

When the relationship between vampires and humans deteriorates, businessmen in the surrounding cities will be very cautious, and life in this city will become difficult. Even the whole family will relocate. After Klaus took over power, he was fighting almost and never dealt with government affairs. If there is Marcel to handle the unnecessary things, isn't Klaus being emptied? However, he had no sense at all.

But even so, when he taught Hayley politics in the second season, he was still very politically literate. So it is impossible for Marcel to seize power completely.

So this city should still be declining.

In order to have more human blood and food in the future, there must be no family planning in this city. If the vampire is still thinking about it. And population growth must involve communication with the human world. The new-born population will need to go to school, but watching these vampires act, every time they kill is casual. Unlucky to catch anyone. So the education system must have been destroyed. Then these children can only go to neighboring cities if they want to go to school. This will further increase the relocation of human beings. Even with the assistance of Marcel, you may have to face this fact.

Maybe they don't need to go to school, as long as they barely live. But the problem is that even if you are barely alive, you still have to learn, and you have to learn to plant and breed, so the learning process is indispensable.

More likely, this is an empty city, and the people in the city are mainly vampires. When they need blood food, they will hunt, go hunting in the surrounding cities, and then they will conflict with the surrounding cities and the human government. Therefore, there should be a lot of human troops on the edge of this city, where it borders other cities. It may also form a hunting ground. The place where the human army and the vampire army war.


The communication between vampires and the human world only appeared in a short part of the first season. After they killed the human messenger, the club was smashed into glass from the outside, and the intense sunlight instantly burned many vampires present.

I think this part is very exciting. But all behind it is love, hatred, and hatred. Did not continue to expand.

The priest's church can explain something. There is no one in the church anymore. The decline of Christianity, everyone flees. The city is probably already empty.

Kami’s bar does not know why it is always open.


The source of this story is Esther's derailment. This source is the same as Eve who ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. So actually there is a bit of metaphor in it. It is saying that sex is the original sin, cheating is the original sin, and female cheating is the original sin.

This discovery makes people uncomfortable.

View more about The Originals reviews

Extended Reading
  • Britney 2021-11-30 08:01:29

    I really don't like the wolf girl~~~~~ I thought that the wolf girl was dead and said very happily~ But it turned out to be a pity because of the baby's half-vampire physique. . . Klaus is really looking more and more handsome. Looking forward to the appearance of the little baby when he grows up~ PS: In the end, K gave the little baby to R to raise the section. The touching name has a feel. Hahaha called hope. PPS: The one with red hair and big K. The witch is so good~~

  • Shannon 2022-03-25 09:01:08

    My big K is finally back~

The Originals quotes

  • Klaus Mikaelson: It turns out my brother is even more depraved than I am. He is the noble stag no longer, indeed an altogether different beast is crepeing through the cracks. And you have also altogether failed in your representation of me because there is one thing you never thought me capable of. Forgiveness. You, Finn, have remained a boar for centuries but here is where your true fault lies. You never learned that the bonds of family far outweigh anything else. Such bonds trump petty jealousies, they overcome great feuds, and yes, they even allow one monster to pardon the great sins of another.

  • Klaus Mikaelson: [to Kol and Finn] I'd prefer you both to join me against our mother, but I'll happily settle for one or the other. Either way, if you continue to defy me, your lives will be reduced to an unending sequence of agonizing torture. So, which is it to be?