one week

Aaliyah 2022-12-13 13:10:50

It was time to watch this movie on the country road with a motorcycle leather jacket and a guitar girl, but it also has this problem from the beginning of the movie, What would you do if you know you only have one day, or one week, or one month to live? I once asked a similar question. Like what do people live for? The answer has been searched for a long time. In the end my thought is that this is unsolvable. When you ask this question, your system is broken. Or, when your system is running smoothly, you don't really care about it. There is only one reason, that the question no longer makes any sense. This system is the id, the superego, and the outside world. When some accidental but powerful event touches your system, the split between your id and superego is what you cannot resist and are forced to accept. A severe split between the two will eventually crash your system. Thus there are two opposing voices in your body that confuse you and make you think about this beyond the system. But this is unsolvable, so it will also be meaningless. The solution is to restore the balance of your system. That is to make up the cracks or gaps between the id and the superego. That's what you see later. To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.

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One Week quotes

  • Narrator: Not saving for retirement has it's advantages.

  • Tracey: [quoting Thomas Edison] Many of life's failures are people who do not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.