hug and hug, sing and dance

Trevor 2022-09-28 22:51:28

If you like "Eight Beauties", then this "Vase" should not be missed. This is the most mature Aozong work in the past five years. There is no blackness, no conspiracy, only romantic lyricism inserted at will, and occasionally a little fragrant. Although this is not a love story, the film still uses costumes, sets and a few chansons to create a soft nostalgic feeling. "Vase" boldly cuts into socio-political and gender issues, which is relatively rare in Ozon's personal creations, but don't be frightened by words such as feminism, it is basically a light comedy that sings and dances. Too many great truths. Although the years are not forgiving, Catherine Deneuve's figure has grown fat and out of shape, but fortunately, the queen's temperament has never been reduced. The movie basically belongs to her one-man show, which is cute and powerful. [Economic Observer]

ps. The Shanghai Film Festival will also be screened in June this year

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