political film in the name of love

Colten 2022-03-23 09:03:15

M: How are you doing today
U: Hehe, it’s not bad
U: Watching movies, listening to music, writing things
M: Well, what movies did you watch
M: Really hardworking
U: Love in Hiroshima, it’s not long since I watched it
M : :Okay?
U: Hehe, not bad
M: Hehe
U: At first, I thought that the man would have the psychological trauma of war
U: Later, I found out that the woman's injury was so serious
M: The good feelings are mixed with the nuclear bomb Together
U: Hehe, Duras is always so straightforward
U: The scene of the nuclear bomb in front is very scary
M: Yes
M: Like a documentary
U: This director has a lot of political ideas, so he will make such a film
U : Selling dog meat, making love stories, promoting one's own ideas
M: A pacifist anti-war movie
M: Well, comparing the cruelty of nuclear war with love
U: Hehe, falling in love with the occupying army, this is too controversial Thing
U: Love is also cruel. How much did this woman pay?
M: Well, the story of a woman and a man later shows that she has not lost her ability to love
U: After 14 years
U: When you talk, you still mistake Japanese men for German boys.
M: Ha ha, there must be some war wounds
. U: Ha ha, the beautiful legend of Sicily tells the story of a woman who had a similar experience.
U: But that woman has a much stronger heart ,

U: I think, probably because of the original work, Hiroshima is more artistic.
M: I need to make up for this. U: So, I had
a very fulfilling day . Hehe, those scenes are actually very subtle, by today's standards. In the past, it was really bad. M: The picture of the object is very beautiful . M: This is good enough. Don't make it into a love action movie. U: Oh, I watched the translated version. The conversation between the two is really interesting . M: I mostly forgot the conversation. It's been too long. U: Oh, this city was originally built for love. You were born for me. I remember these two sentences M: Hmm U: However, speaking to the lover I just met, I admire her for being so sure, Gaga M: A seemingly unreasonable exotic relationship M: The director is praising human nature M: The human nature of love The beautiful part of the story, nuclear war is the ugly and dark part of human nature U : Love is only found in novels : They also broke up later, the woman wanted to go back to France . U: In the end, the woman did not set out and returned to the hotel. Later, no one knows whether to leave or not . M: Oh...forgot U: She didn't leave when she was scheduled to leave anyway. Follow your heart, or just procrastinate. M: Romantic ending U: Oh, I can't screw myself up M: Hmm U: Suddenly I feel that M: Black and white films feel good wow U: Emotional and rational, whoever wins is temporary, these two will always have to be pinched.

M: It seems to be

taken from the chat record with Ragbuk Kids Shoes, with a very small amount of deletions. Thanks for the authorization of rag children's shoes!

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Extended Reading
  • Wade 2022-03-16 09:01:08

    A large number of flashbacks with voice-overs, recalling dreams and forgetting imaginary subconsciousness, the milestone of the transformation of classical Western movies into modern times, the pioneering work of literature and film, the ground-breaking point of the ripples of modernism. Stream of Consciousness Structure, Interlaced Editing of Time and Space, Monologue Narrative Perspective / Psychological Characterization, Psychological Structure of Time and Space, Symbolic and Metaphoric Mirror Language, Humanistic Care of New Novels. The French and Japanese scenes were shot separately by two teams, without the main lens

  • Jasen 2022-03-29 09:01:08

    The predecessor of Madrid Umbard, the language of stream of consciousness is still immature: the camera movement is too abrupt. The stream of consciousness should throw out the clutter to achieve a kind of continuous peace; it could be Bud's dramatic arrangements and slow camera movements, or a more modern approach could be close-handed and illusory backgrounds. Through the simple exchange of subjects through language, the confusion of space and time is directly caused by the cut mirror. The acting here should be contrived because the camera and composition seem out of place, or maybe the actors themselves are not good enough. The day-to-day is not well. Should always be aware of the bottom line, or need a more subtle arrangement. Joy: The night suddenly entered the day; the two looked at each other, one lit a cigarette, and the other listened to the unimportant language of unimportant people. Did not feel extreme violence. There should be such violence.

Hiroshima Mon Amour quotes

  • Elle: Time will pass. Only time. And time will come. A time will come, when we can no longer name what it is that unites us. The name will gradually fade from our memory. Then it will disappear entirely.

  • Elle: Sad little romance.