Look carefully, the two heroines are very beautiful, and I like their smiles, the movie is good, it brings back memories

Shana 2022-04-16 09:01:09

"Daffodil Bloom" has a special meaning to me. Because when I was in high school, I was madly infatuated with a girl.
Sometimes movies resonate because the stories in the movies seem to be happening all around us.
There are many people complaining that the title is not good, and some people are even more willing to call it "The First Girl", and some people literally translate it as "Greedy People". I have to say that sometimes the translated title of a movie has an impact on the box office hit rate. I still remember "Lady Girl Summer Camp". The movie did talk about La and summer camp, but it's weird to put it together. What's more, Cantonese is not understood by the whole country. Just because of the name, I almost missed a good movie. I think "Daffodil Blossom" is very meaningful and fits the theme of the movie.
There are many kinds of love. Sometimes we love others in order to be like her. Take first love as an example, we are all more inclined to find cooler and more attractive people to fall in love with, because we also want to be cool. Never smoked, never drank, but because of her, I started to try a little bit, and even changed the style of dressing, the way of walking, and the habits of life.
When you grow up and then fall in love, you will have more realistic and obvious needs. Either ask your girlfriend to be beautiful and considerate, or ask your girlfriend to follow suit and take it out to save face, or simply find an ordinary girl, because you can't stand loneliness.
The reason why adolescence is yearning and memorable. It was because everything was so innocent back then. Looking at each other from a distance in the crowd can be excited for a long time.
I never held hands with her, never walked with her, never chatted with her calmly, never shopped with her. The girls hated her and the boys were afraid of her. It seems that the whole campus, only I care about her. And she's used to being around me. We never really said hello and said goodbye. I never looked her in the eye. After so many years, I can't remember exactly what she looked like, but I still remember the way she walked and the way she dealt with split ends. She told me to look closely at her hair, but I didn't see any split ends, and I said everything was fine and beautiful. I remember the way she smoked, how awkward she looked when she was running, how I could spot her at a glance in the noisy playground, I remember writing long letters to her all the time, and I remember running past the noisy crowd only To give her a bag of candy...
Flo resembles her in a way. She is not liked by the people around her, there are gossips and rumors about her everywhere, and her boyfriend always changes again and again.
When exploring any relationship, it is not easy to categorize it. Because friendship turns into love, love turns into family, and sometimes family turns into love. There are too many equations about feelings, it is best not to apply them arbitrarily. It is very boring to classify people casually.
After watching the movie, I still clearly remember Flo's expression, which is often contemptuous and dismissive. But when she laughed it was very moving. Flo looked like the type of person who didn't care about the opinions of those around him. Because other people said she was wrong in person, they almost pointed at her nose and scolded bitch, but she was willing to do so. Because that's pretty cool. I have seen many foreign films and found that being a virgin is not something to be proud of. Even Fat Anna wants to deliver her first (first kiss) as soon as possible. Flo is obviously a virgin, but he has to pretend that he has read the world and has rich experience. If it is broken, it is very simple, you can do it yourself, but why do you have to ask Mar to help him. On the one hand, she knew that Mar was reliable; on the other hand, she didn't want to deal with her first time casually. Flo is beautiful, beautiful, and she can easily find someone who is willing to do it outside of campus. It's like saying goodbye to someone.
Look, Flo breaks first, then kisses Mar very easily, that kiss means nothing to Flo, she has opened the door to another world.
This is adolescence, it doesn't matter how wild or bold you do it, because there will always be a next chance and you can always go back on it. Like she said to Mar, if the man is a bastard, save her, even if Mar doesn't come, she still has a way to escape. Look, how many men wanted to have sex with her before, just because she was worried that she was still a virgin and never let them succeed. It stands to reason that I should hate people like Flo, but I still like Flo a little more.
The way they walk is funny. Flo seems to be swaying all over, only her right hand doesn't like to move, and I like the way she walks. Mar is actually beautiful, and will get more and more beautiful, she walks almost flawlessly, and if she matures, she will be very, very good-looking.
The female version of "Classmates' Love", the two female protagonists walk awkwardly, especially the actor who plays Irene. If you look at the whole body camera, you will find that her hands and feet are out of harmony. Some people think that she is disabled before she reaches adulthood, but I think she is very beautiful, especially when she is holding Agnes's hand, her head is provocative. When raised slightly. I like that smile the most.
After watching "Daffodil Blossom", it is like eating a sour lemon, and all kinds of tastes linger in my heart. Flo's various smiles are beautiful, and even when he's not smiling, he has a special charm. As for Mar, grow up a little more. I love that laughter is precious when she and Ann play childish games.
I don't know if you have noticed, but people with good laughter are more likely to attract the attention of others.
I suddenly remembered that it may have serious meaning to others for the first time, but I really can't remember when my first kiss happened, and with whom it happened. My adolescence ended before it even started.
There may not be anything wrong between Mar and Ann, and it may not be all right. In adolescence, nothing is defined, everything is possible. Maybe they will fall in love with each other when they grow up, or maybe they will remain good friends. To be honest, these two are very good, and their personalities are a bit strange. Flo's character is definitely not surprising, it can only be said that her character is very popular. I think Flo will get along well in the future. He is too sensible and knows what he wants. Ann and Flo basically have no direct connection. If the two stand together, Ann will be defeated. Mar and Flo stand together, equally divided, each with their own characteristics.
Watching a movie is like a beauty pageant...
Anyway, the movie is okay, the kiss is good, where did Mar learn the technique...

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Water Lilies quotes

  • Marie: Who cares about being normal?

  • Marie: The ceiling is probably the last thing most people see. For at least 90% of people that die. For sure. And when you die, the last thing you see is printed in your eye. Like a photo. Imagine the number of people with ceilings in their eyes.

    Floriane: Ceilings will never seem the same.