Will you still love me when the memory is no longer living alone?

Adalberto 2022-10-01 06:27:00

You know, you've always known
about I love you.

Munro's words have a poetic rhythm
and the movie is no less than a little bit
of retro tones
and low-key plot
details that quietly pull you into

contrasts and excesses The American blockbuster of exaggerated and cool personal heroism is
definitely a low-cost drama

. Of course, what it wants to express about love and human nature should be replaced. The

director uses her delicate mind to interpret a different story. The love of a woman of her age A
complete love with no memory

Julie Christie's grace conquers everyone
She also expresses this love with no memory and no tomorrow,
when she is free and she has forgotten played by Gordon Pinsent When my husband chatted like a stranger and asked him about the coffee he never drank, we probably all sighed in our hearts.
Even after watching the film, we didn't blame her for not being persistent in love.
This is probably her The charm of

Gordon Pinsent is even more impressive. A
loving and warm husband, in him I love you so I tolerate everything about you, I love you so it doesn't matter if you have me in your life as long as you are happy. The love
he sent to his wife you don't remember me but do you love me such a question
but the confused wife didn't give him the answer he wanted
so the great place came, the husband stopped forcing her, he used his broad love Can you not love him despite everything
? Can you not feel bad?
No, we can't do

the others and of course that's why the movie is so full
But I deeply feel that just writing about husband and wife is enough to go

away from her
. In my opinion, I am talking about my husband, he loves her so he leaves her so he makes her happier, so he invites his rival to accompany her, away from her is him One way to love her
and Chinese will be dark and bright, secret language When the husband has decided to tolerate his wife and let her be with the person he fell in love with after forgetting him, the wife suddenly turns around, this is not what the dark and beautiful is.
Maybe she will remember him or maybe not. Yes , who knows
. But what does it matter? I still love you. I have always been sober and deeply aware of the fact that I love you.

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Extended Reading
  • Corene 2022-06-24 20:45:59

    To be honest, I didn't finish it, I couldn't stand it, and the pace was too slow.

  • Al 2022-06-24 14:10:06

    The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death, but I am standing in front of you, but you do not know that I love you. Alzheimer's is a brutal game, a twilight war with little chance of winning.

Away from Her quotes

  • [Madeleine is leading Grant down a garishly lit corridor during a tour of the nursing home]

    Madeleine Montpellier: So as you can see, we get a lot of natural light.

    Grant Anderson: Yes, I can see that.

  • Fiona: You never left me; you still made love to me... Despite all those disturbing elements elsewhere. But all those sandals... all those bare female toes, Grant; what could you do?