Blindness is the flaw

Isai 2022-03-25 09:01:23

I think children can understand the language of animals and know their father's thoughts. Although their eyes cannot see, their hearts are very clear. When preparing gifts for grandma and sisters, refuse the biscuits given by the teacher and wait for the gifts to be packed. Muhammad knew that the bird fell, so he boldly rescued the bird. He could understand the language of animals. Knowing that my father has been selling items, there is a very painful expression on his face, but he does not speak. When Muhammad touched the stream for the first time, it suddenly sprinkled water. I think the stream also told him the story that might happen in the future, and the father also looked at the back of the little boy and the rapids in front of him thoughtfully, but the little boy The heart is naive, and he who believes in his father did not show it. The little boy touched the faces of his grandmother and sister, but not his father's, so he could know that his father didn't really love him that much. When the woodpecker chirped for the first time, his father was shaving his beard to prepare for the engagement. The bird’s chirping frightened him, the mirror was shattered, and there was a lot of blood on his face, which indicated that his father was very guilty and knew that he violated the law. common sense. The latter shot is when Muhammad and his grandmother heard woodpeckers on the road. He said that the birds were talking, and he counted with his hands and read the numbers in his mouth. I think he may have mastered the language with animals. In the end, Muhammad was abandoned as an apprentice in a carpenter's workshop, and the grandmother died of heartbreak because of it, as she said before that she was willing to die for her grandson. Muhammad woke up suddenly in the early morning, in the morning fog, and in the mournful birdsong, he knew that his grandmother had passed away and died very kindly. That smile seemed to herald something. Later, when his father came to bring him home, it was also foggy in the morning, and the little boy got up with a blank face, as if he already knew everything. Passing through the gloomy jungle, the heavy sound of the woodpecker sounded again. When passing the small bridge, the bridge actually broke. The little boy fell off his horse and plunged into the fast-flowing river. His father showed a complicated expression. , the little boy's status in his heart has risen. After hesitating for a moment, the father decides to save his child, perhaps because he has come to realize the value of family affection. In the end, the two were washed up on the beach, but the little boy was dead, touching the golden sunlight, indicating the temperature and color of heaven. And the father hugged his body and was in pain. He should be crying for his unfortunate fate, or maybe regret it at times. The secret of the little boy's heart may be to discover the secret of his father's heart and not dare to tell anyone.

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Extended Reading
  • Winfield 2022-03-21 09:03:29

    Tears: moving at first (Mohammed saves a fallen bird) and pitiful (Mohammed said to his father, "I thought you wouldn't come."); then the unparalleled beauty of nature (I have lived in the city for a long time, I miss the scenery of my hometown very much) and the classroom of elementary school (which evokes fond memories of my childhood); ...; Finally, after the disaster, Muhammad's hand became "the color of heaven". ——The acting of the blind boy is great!

  • Keegan 2022-03-28 09:01:13

    I watched this movie when I graduated from high school. I remember crying at that time. The tingling can't be healed. I can still remember its plot until now.

The Color of Paradise quotes

  • Mohammad: [crying] Our teacher says that God loves the blind more because they can't see. But I told him if it was so, He would not make us blind so that we can't see Him. He answered "God is not visible. He is everywhere. You can feel Him. You see Him through your fingertips." / Now I reach out everywhere for God till the day my hands touch Him and tell Him everything, even all the secrets in my heart.

  • Mohammad: [crying] Nobody loves me because I'm blind.