Akira Kurosawa's remarks on "The Drunken Angel" and Toshiro Mifune in "The Oil of the Toad"

Josiane 2022-04-08 09:01:13

I dug out the book and found this one. Akira Kurosawa's evaluation of Mifune is very high, and he is also very humble. I scored 120 points for Mifune, can't be more true love hahahaha... Yamamoto Reisaburo's acting skills are also outstanding, several confrontation scenes between Aniki and Mifune make people nervous, it turns out that the director is also scared to see him... Weifa made the soundtrack for the part of the black market walk, which turned out to be a magical stroke created by Kurosawa's personal experience.

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Extended Reading

Drunken Angel quotes

  • Singer: [singing] Oo-wow-oo-wow-wow-oo, Oo-wow-oo-wow-wow-oo, I'm a she-panther, I was born, In a southern land, Oo-wow-oo-wow-wow-oo, Where volcanoes blow fire, On a night lit red by the moon, In the jungle, In a jungle, I had a love so wild, Made my very bones swoon...

  • Sanada: You still stink of booze! Huh! I'm not a veterinarian. My patients don't need leashes tied around their necks.