Withered grass and withered poplar, once a singing and dancing venue

Zane 2022-03-25 09:01:23

It rained all day in Changsha today, so I got up and closed the windows once to prevent the rain from damaging the floor. Then the rain stopped and I opened the window again for ventilation. After an hour it started raining again, I think fuck it let it be. Anyway, today is no different, it is the same as the previous June 4th, June 3rd, June 2nd, except that it is cool and wet and 24 hours at your discretion.
And after smoking two cigarettes, drinking two cups of coffee, eating two slices of toast, frying two eggs, and a series of trivial things starting with the word 2, I finally finished watching eight episodes of the old enemy in one go, and it was finally different. .
At the beginning, it was indeed a curious mentality, and I wanted to see how the two Hollywood giants in the past fought to the death. I also frankly admit that when I first started watching it, I was partial to Betty, and I didn't change my opinion after watching the first six episodes.
Crawford, who travels all over the world with her beauty, is in the film circle every step of the way. Give each staff member a thoughtful gift, do their homework well and be considerate and care everywhere, sympathize with the queen of gossip and control the direction of public opinion, and even seduce all those who need to be seduced to achieve some goals. This is Crawford, deep. Know how to survive in the entertainment industry. But all this is despised by the talented Betty. Just like some actors who are acting in good faith now, Betty was not burdened by her identity and the honor of the previous two Oscars when she was limited by her age. She frequently worked in cheap theaters to support her family until she received a surprise Change}. Any watcher would have to be amazed when Betty appeared ugly with a pale and playful face, which happened to be in stark contrast to Crawford's ignoring the role configuration and still carefully applying lipstick.
Because she couldn't come off stage with those false auras, she married a Pepsi giant when she was famous, and her husband died and took on debts, but she would rather trim the garden alone with her servants, and it was this kind of vanity and self-esteem that made her in the When acting, I put myself more on Hollywood actresses than actors. Therefore, Crawford's hatred of Betty, in addition to the discord between the two at the beginning of her career, also comes from this guilty conscience, because she is too aware of Betty's talent and dedication. Hence the following scene: You didn't even have a bouquet of flowers or congratulations when Crawford told Betty I won the award in the dressing room, and you didn't reply to the card I gave you when you won the award. All I do is want your approval. Crawford has the pride and dignity as an old enemy, but at that moment there were grievances and tears in her eyes.
It was impossible for Betty not to feel it, but she was as strict and mean to herself and others as anyone who considers herself talented. But from the point of view of a filmmaker, you can't help but admire her. Her love for acting is like there is only one thing in life. There's a scene in episode six where Betty goes to her home before the Oscars the night she looks at two Oscar statuettes, one of which she's already scratched. She said:
when i need it, he reminds me of the perfect night when i won him and the whole world stood up and cheered. And i was loved.
It's every actress and even woman's dream except steely Betty In addition to the investment in the film, she also expects to be loved by the world, but her lack of self-confidence in beauty has become a pain in her heart, she hysterically told the director; when I hid behind the door after the first audition at Warner Bros. Wondering if he saw the talent and talent in my performance, but he didn't care. He said I'm not sexy at all, who would want to fall in love with such a woman. I was only 22 at the time.
Therefore, everything has a source, and being able to become an enemy must be a knot on both sides. When Betty asked Crawford how it felt to be the most beautiful person in the world, Crawford asked her how it felt to be the most talented person in the world. It's all there.
After the peak of the two's career, the beauty is late, and the old age is embarrassing. Both of their children have written books expressing their dissatisfaction with their mothers, leaving Crawford unsupported, with only another twilight maid by his side. Betty's daughter wants to draw a clear line with her mother, and she can only share her life's grievances and truth with her adopted mentally handicapped daughter. What is left behind when the halo fades. But you can't ask them if they think it's worth it or not, the entertainment industry is real or fake, they can't choose to be pushed forward, it's not that they don't know the reality and ridiculousness, but they choose this kind of life, no In the middle of the film, they returned to plain, but rushed to the screen to the end. Whether it was out of enthusiasm or unwillingness, they all knew that it was this kind of glitz and public opinion that made them, and they were destined to be crushed and abandoned by such rules.
So I don't regret the ending of the two of them. It is a pity that the two of them were not able to let go of the past while they were alive. So the directors showed their good show, and the montage of the week before Crawford's death made a dream come true for the protagonist and the audience. The four old faces of the past were sitting at a table. There was a thunderstorm outside, and they were playing bridge by candlelight and laughing about the past. Betty said let's play a game called "regret". If you get a number, say something you regret, and if you get a head, say something you wish you could have done at that time.
Crawford said: "I regret not being more generous with you at the time.
Betty said: I wish I could be your friend at the time.
Although nothing happened in the end, Crawford passed away a week later with such regret, and Betty never had the courage to pick up the phone, so true. The show is called the first season of Rivals, but Betty and Joan don't have a second season.
After reading it, I felt like something was stuck in my heart, so I got up and walked away. Sitting on the toilet, I opened the circle of friends and found that my friend had sent an invitation to the wedding banquet next Tuesday.
She is one of my favorite friends. Unlike others, she is smart, independent, and has no secular set of what to do. When she was still in high school, she told me that she would not get married very early and would be friends with each other when they got old. And today, she told me she was getting married next Tuesday. Now I'm the only one left to fight like a lone alien.
I can seem to see her smugness about the future after every evening study in high school, just like Betty said to the two Oscar statuettes:
wait up for me boys. tonight i'm bring you home a baby brother. As a joke, she and Betty both left the stage like this. And I, a person who is about to turn 30, works every day, smokes, and watches movies. I don’t live well, I don’t know what to do next, and I never question my decisions. But now I suddenly feel that I am the only one behind the city wall, and the wind keeps pouring in from the cracks. I want to light the candle, but after the vicissitudes of life, no one picked up the card and told me, come, let's play a game called "regret". game.
So today is still different, and it may be different from June 6th and June 7th in the future.
I felt alone and the rain was still falling.

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