Talking About Genius Girlfriend Episode 3: Transmutation

Destin 2022-12-02 07:43:24

"You know why they dare to do this to Ada? Because she's poor, because she has no status. To get out of this place, you have to be rich. To make money, you have to work. They don't touch me because I'm ugly. But, in me Before I was rich, once they touched me, I would use this to protect myself." She snapped out a rusted leather cutter, flashed a blade, and said viciously.

Talking About Genius Girlfriend Episode 1: Doll

Talking About Genius Girlfriend Episode 2: Money

talk about casting

In this episode, the entire cast of the cast has been changed. When the two heroines Elena and Lila come out, many people may be disappointed, because they are not as stunning as the young actors. I think the director has this number in mind. The reason why he did not choose a very beautiful and refined actor should be something.

Children are all angels, childhood is like heaven, although poor, although the tones in childhood are so dark, but because childhood is carefree, so it is still beautiful, choose actors who are immortal, and make them look like angels (white). Angels and Dark Angels), not contrary to reason.

However, when children grow up, their innocence gradually fades, and family constraints and social shadows will appear on them. Ordinary skin is their basic symbol. And this play does not pursue romantic performance, nor does it intend to make a romantic history. Realism is its obvious feature, so it is reasonable to choose actors who are more in line with the style of the play.

If you think the protagonist is not good-looking, it doesn't matter, she will gradually look good.

In order to overcome face blindness and relationship confusion, let's take a look at the old and new actors in the comparison map.

Scene 1: Metaphors of dreams

Archie's funeral, grand and glorious.

The peddling Enzo pushes the trolley out of the frame, and when he appears pushing the trolley in the next shot, he has grown into a strong man, but Archie's funeral is still in progress. Putting the front and rear time and space in one shot does not feel abrupt at all, but surprises people and makes the picture have extraordinary tension.

The reason for this is because the characters in the play have grown up and the cast has changed, so it is bound to explain the characters again. But every shot is worth an inch, and the mini-series shots can’t be wasted, so the characters’ appearances are integrated into the storyline, just like the scene in the first episode where the carpenter Alfredo is on the block.

The next shot is to the Solara family, who stand outside the door, watching the enemy's funeral procession. The camera pans from left to right, and the four parents and two sons raise their hands to draw the cross one after another. There is no fixed camera here, so the four people draw the cross neatly, because doing so will enhance the sense of ceremony and become solemn and solemn. , the taste is reversed. When the camera pans back to the funeral procession, we find the Karachi children in the first row, all grown up (Stefano gives the Solaras a glaring look), and then the camera starts to push back, subtly allowing Many new actors made a quick appearance.

What is suspicious is that both Lila and Elena's parents, siblings are in the team, but neither of them are in the team. why? We know this is actually Elena's dream growing up. Since it is a dream, it is first explained that the actors will suddenly grow up, because dreams can be non-linear. We believe that, in fact, Lila and Elena were also in the funeral procession at the beginning, but Elena's dream played a surreal expressive force, so that the dreaming self did not appear in the team, and Lila stood Laughing loudly on the side (Lilla also grew up in the crowd, cleverly).

Why in the dream, Elena was not in the team, Lila stood by and laughed? I think it's because Achille's death wasn't sad, you see in the funeral procession, except for Karachi's own family, there was no sadness. Achille is an underworld force that oppresses the poor on weekdays, and his death will not cause sadness and pity. To the children, he was equal to the ogre in fairy tales, and Elena and Lila naturally hated him, so Elena and Lila did not participate in the funeral in the dream. Elena made herself absent, while Lila laughed loudly on the side. This difference was in line with the different personalities of the two.

But there's more to this absurd and complex shot than that. There was also a car parked beside Lila. According to the license plate number, it could be determined that this car was the car that the Solara brothers had grown up with.

At this time, the young Elena appeared out of nowhere and shared a frame with the older Lila. Lila pointed to the car and showed Elena. Elena looked closely, with a little surprise on her face, and Lila suddenly burst out. Nosebleed... This shot is really not easy to explain.

What does the new and beautiful car of the Solara Brothers stand for? Probably a symbol of status and wealth. On the one hand, the new power has replaced the past; on the other hand, money is an important symbol of the show, and it is also the topic that Lila will be most concerned about in the future. Both girls appear next to the car representing wealth, which means that the proposition of "woman-money" has been formally established, and the relationship between the two has become an important topic to be expressed and discussed in the play.

Lila's eyes seemed to show yearning, and she said, "Look!" Elena leaned closer to the car window, showing a surprised look. The window completely separates the delicate furnishings in the car from the women outside the window, but what is inside the car can be seen clearly, which shows that wealth is out of reach for them.

As for what Lila's sudden nosebleed implies, it should mean their age. Now they are all adolescent girls, and when it comes to the aunt, Elena should have her dream interrupted because of the aunt's arrival ( The first thing Elena does after waking up is to wipe her aunt).

This group of shots is equal to the idea and opening of the question, explaining what to talk about next.

Scene 2: The Pain of Adolescence

In the background, Elena's mother is teasing the little sister Eliza, who was bullied by her brother, and also teaching her to sweep the floor. It is estimated that she is trying to train Elena's next housekeeping helper. Elena found herself bleeding from her lower body and panicked, thinking she was going to die. Don't be surprised. Although the actor looks in his twenties, he is still playing a child who has just entered junior high school. Naturally, she does not understand that this is menarche. Elena hurried out, and her mother noticed the abnormality and came over to find blood on her sheets.

Elena, who was on the streets looking for Lila, didn't realize that her skirt was stained with blood. Along the way, she met Rino, Enzo, Ada, and Jiyola. The new actor showed his face again, making the audience familiar.

When Elena found Lila, Lila and Carmela were together. Elena told Lila about her concern that Lila had not yet had her menarche (maybe because of poor nutrition and therefore the slowest growth), she couldn't understand, Came on the side La smiled and popularized: "Auntie is here." Lila looked confused: "Who is here?" Elena asked Lila if she had her period, Lila gritted her teeth and sneered, she seemed to be full of the identity of a woman Resentment and malicious words hurt Elena. It seems that after the two did not study together, the relationship became estranged, and Lila deliberately stayed away from Elena, who went to school. Her strong and jealous psychology was at play. Elena, who lost her friendship, went back crying.

Her mother gave Elena a few cold adolescence lessons, and Elena listened dumbly, sobbing. Are the two stacks of cloth strips on the sink the sanitary napkins of that time?

Session Three: The Dilemma of Poverty

In the junior high school class, the female teacher is handing out the test papers. Alfonso and Elena are in the same class. Alfonso, who could only cry when he was a child, is now getting good grades and is very proud. Jiyola, who is big and three thick and has a ferocious expression, is also in the same class as Elena. Elena's grades were far from ideal. Gino, who was born with zero difference, and the pimple-faced valet stared at Elena, who was growing day by day.

Lonely and lonely, Elena looked for Lila after school and saw Lila writing. Lila closed the book immediately when she saw Elena. Elena asked what Lila was writing, but Lila avoided talking. Elena decides to press Lila, who suspects Lila is writing a book. Lila denies that she is writing, and she is indeed not writing (presumably the primary school teacher has poured cold water on her), from the back plot, she is drawing the design of leather shoes. All of Lila's conversations are coldly distancing Elena, like saying: We are two worlds.

In order to understand Lila's situation, Elena had to come to their mutual "middle friend" Carmela, but she didn't ask any information.

At this point, the Solara brothers drove their car through the city and stopped. They were very rude to Ada and pushed her into the car for what they called a "ride."

Carmela and Jiyola not only did not care about this matter, but also looked quite envious. Lila came to the point and said, "They kidnapped her." Lila knew more deeply than other girls, she revealed the true purpose of the Solara brothers, and asked the ignorant Jiyola and Carmela to say no Words: "Can we drag us into their car if we are handsome? What if they take us all away?"

Elena understands Lila, she follows Lila, and Lila speaks to Elena fiercely about her knowledge of the world: "Why do they bully Ada but dare not harass Pinocchia (Achille's). Female)? Because Ada's family is poor. To escape from this place, you have to make money." This passage discusses a theme from Lila's perspective - the relationship between women and wealth.

The Solara brothers' car drove past Elena, and Elena saw Ada looking out of the car window sadly, her lipstick on, obviously being bullied. This made Elena confirm Lila's remarks in her heart.

Ada's brother Antonio, because he couldn't stand the insults of the Solara brothers, got into a fight with the other side, and he was beaten badly. Ada shouted for help, but there was no one around to help, and they were all scared by the power of the Solara family, and Mingzhe kept himself safe. This society is still so indifferent and has not grown. Carmela's brother Pasquale ran over to help Antonio back.

At this moment, what was in Elena's mind who witnessed all this? Probably how to escape from this horrible place. This is exactly what Lila expressed.

Session 4: The Self-Knowledge of Charm

In the middle school class, the two little sluts stared straight at Elena's body and swallowed. Elena's Latin literature is not very good, and she can't answer the question. She is very inferior and secretly goes to the bathroom to cry.

The wretched man followed up and used money to trick Elena into verifying the real "chest". Elena was silent for a while, then raised her head and said, "Bring me the money first." Her expression became high, and the two idiots looked at their real breasts, and just barely unbuttoned their belts and started rubbing them. The voiceover explains why Elena agreed to show her boobs, because at that moment she (thinks) Lila's upper body. In fact, Lila's style is not a matter of asking for money first and then asking for money, but a matter of whether to ask for money or death. And the experience that the breast watching incident brought to Elena is: I am attractive to men.

Elena took the ten lire she wanted to come to the Solara pastry shop and bought a box of puff pastry, but the price was 35 lire. Marcello, the eldest son of the Solara family, waived her bill. Elena's face flashed a hint of hidden joy.

I speculate maliciously that Elena should know that the money she brought is not enough, and she may come to the snack room to further test her charm.

Scene 5: Lila's Secret

After eating bread on the street, she suddenly found Lila walking out of the elementary school. Elena followed and found a library on campus. In the first episode, Ferraro, the principal who brought the boys to the girls' class and held a quiz, kindly greeted her to borrow books. The headmaster recognized her, gave her a Latin grammar book, and asked her to turn it over to Lila. Elena felt sad, because Lila deceived her, and she was studying hard behind her back.

Elena went home and asked her father to find a tutor for her, but her father refused, but her mother encouraged her. This is interesting because the attitude of my parents when I went to school was the opposite of what it is now. This shows that the father's support for her was not to make her rich in knowledge, and the mother was not really bad for Elena.

Lila asked her to get her Latin grammar book, and by the way, she could learn how to learn Latin from Elena. Those who go to school are educated by those who teach themselves. After this incident, the relationship between the two returned to the normal track before. Elena studied hard and got the first place in the school. The irony is that, from the past to the present, even if Lila is no longer in school, Elena will never be able to be good without Lila's inspiration. She needs this friend.

When she graduated from junior high school, her parents decided not to let Elena continue to study, and discussed finding her a job. Elena felt hopeless and bored as she envisioned her future.

Elena participated in the library's reader award meeting, and Oliviero, a female primary school teacher, also sat among them. The principal announced the top five outstanding readers. The fifth place is Elena, and the top four are Lila and her family (Lila borrows books in the name of her family)... Both Elena and Oliviero understand how hard Lila works in private.

Teacher Oliviero learns that Elena is doing well in Latin, prompting her to continue high school. And once again instilled a stubborn sense of hierarchy, telling Elena to stay away from the mason Pasquale.

Pascale invites Elena to Lila's house with Elena, who naively thinks it's her first date.

Oliviero goes to Elena's house and talks to Elena's parents, forcing them to agree to let Elena continue in high school. Before leaving, the teacher suddenly asked about Lila's current situation. The teacher specifically instructed Elena to tell Lila that she passed the exam with high marks and that she was going to high school in Greek. The teacher was moved by Lila's self-learning behavior, and she wanted Elena to motivate Lila to continue learning. This can also be regarded as a painstaking effort for her favorite gifted student.

Scene 6: Brother and Sister Ambition

The mad widow who had been silent for a long time finally became mad again. The poet who had abandoned her long ago sent her a collection of poems signed and dedicated to her. Elena was so moved that she thought this was true love.

Elena and Pasquale met as agreed, Elena thought she was in a relationship, but Pasquale suddenly asked Lila about it. It turned out that Pasquale just borrowed Elena to inquire about Lila's situation, and he liked Lila.

Standing still, watching the radiant Lila and Pasquale who looked at Lila with affection, Elena was very disappointed.

What Reno said when he was holding that copy of "The Silent Bruges" was: "Did you bring me a copy of "The Dead Bruges"?" There is a problem with everyone's subtitles here. Reno has only elementary school education, and did not understand the metaphorical meaning of the word. She thought Bruges was a woman, so she would say such obscene words as "know how I will treat this Bruges".

Elena and Lila talk about the poet and the mad widow. Lila doesn't seem to think highly of the poet's book of poetry (Lila must think that her literary talent is higher than that of the poet), and she does not have as much romantic view of the relationship between the mad widow and the poet as Elena.

Lila reveals her and Reno's secrets to Elena, who are designing a pair of elegant travel shoes, and their eyes are shining, full of dreams of running a shoe factory to make money. They want to live the same life as the Karachis and the Solaras. But is this dream a reality?

According to Lila's statement: "I will make two pairs today, four pairs tomorrow, 30 pairs a month, and 400 pairs a year. In the future, I will open a shoe factory with at least 5 workers. The name will be Ceruluo Shoe Factory. ."

As Reno puts it: "Did you see the car that Solara bought? Did you see how good the grocery store business in Karachi is? People are making a lot of money and want to spend it."

Is everything so simple? They are lost in the myth of sweet dreams.

Scene 7: Beautiful Sins

Lila sent Elena back, Elena told Lila that she would go to high school, Lila did not know the meaning of the word "high school", and learned that Elena not only wanted to go to school, but also learn Greek, Lila's careful eye committed again. She suddenly told Elena that she was coming to the aunt too. Why jump to this topic all of a sudden? Girls should be able to understand this kind of psychology. They have just lost, and they are about to regain a victory. In fact, it can be seen from this incident that Lila doesn't really hate auntie at all, what she hates is that others come to auntie before her. This is her usual style.

The Solara brothers suddenly drove over and harassed Elena. Elena shouldn't be polite to them, and said thank you, Marcello took an inch, from verbal abuse to physical abuse. Lila took out a leather knife from her pocket, rushed up, pressed it down Marcello's throat, and fiercely pushed the Solara brothers back.

Marcello left, but he looked at Lila like a beast looking at its prey, full of sensuality, this masochistic boy was looking at the girl in front of him.

I think Lila looked at Marcello in a way that wasn't just hostile. Lila, complicated Lila.

Sorry, the episode itself is not that informative and a bit watery, but the analysis of the first scene may still be useful. I hope friends who like it will give it a thumbs up. I want to write eight episodes.

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