Is it fatalism

Jayme 2022-03-27 09:01:12

No political filth, no religious irony, just feelings.

The depression is obvious. After watching the movie, I couldn't say a word with the male ticket. What I have been reflecting on is why the depression is, and what is the kind of thing I get hit hard every time. Starting from the movie, from the male lead and the The government's real estate property rights dispute, I have always held a pure mentality, I feel that this matter will definitely be resolved by the male protagonist, especially the greasy fat official who ran to the male protagonist's house stupidly and shouted. At that time, I planted the seed that a fool would definitely not end well. I never imagined that the situation would take a turn for the worse after a third of the time. I had been secretly waiting for the result of a good and rewarding, a wicked person going to hell, forever. Neither came.

This challenges my long-standing belief, a psychology of being kind to others and hoping to be treated gently by life. The only thing the male protagonist has done wrong as a person is that he is slightly irritable and irritable, and the way he educates children is not appropriate. Said to be a blunt and very kind person. Especially when he found out that his wife cheated on him, he still chose to be tolerant and considerate, and when I saw that he was still sleeping with his wife asleep, I was very heartbroken for this man. Whether the cheating is worth being forgiven is not worth mentioning. , He has a very simple and deep love for his wife. It is not easy to have such courage and tolerance. My male vote suggests how simple-minded he is, who does not make enough efforts for life, is not calm enough, etc. , In my opinion, he is just an ordinary person. He cannot be perfect by birth, and his imperfection is not his fault, nor is his house taken, his wife cheated, his friend betrayed, his son is depressed, his own The reason for being in jail.

The problem is back, no matter how perfect a person I am, I will suffer all kinds of injustices in my fate, and the small world I have worked so hard to create will be destroyed in an inexplicable moment. And all of this is not my fault, I just It's just tiny.

So what's the point of trying to be a good person? If nothing works. I remember my friends in high school told me that the greatest reward of being a good person is that you are a good person. I have always been puzzled by this and may still be puzzled now. It seems that no matter what the outcome is, we still have to do our best. You can live as you can, but nothing is taken for granted, it will not be taken for granted to be reasonable and legal, it will not be taken for granted to be morally correct, and it will not be taken for granted to be satisfactory, so only accept it.

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Extended Reading

Leviathan quotes

  • Arkhierey: All power comes from God. As long as it suits Him, fear not.

    The Mayor: And so, it suits Him?

  • Arkhierey: All power is from God. Where there's power, there's might.