His dreams are flying fast, how about yours?

Kara 2021-12-23 08:01:42

When I was young, I liked to follow my grandma to learn to step on the sewing machine. Once I wanted to grow up to make the most beautiful clothes, I was proud of making the first insole for a long time. Being a little older is basically the same as most elementary school students, especially girls, that when they grow up to be a people’s teacher, they often erect small blackboards in the courtyard to teach their playmates who are younger than their own. Then I was a three-year-old student and sent to the best junior high school. I also practiced violin in the meantime, but it was just a play experience. Then, continue to take the best high school exams. Even when the liberal arts are divided into classes, the scores in each subject are extremely average. The science classes selected by the crowd are indeed credited with parents who often say "learning mathematics, physics and chemistry are not afraid to travel all over the world." . Of course, I started to fall in love during my adolescence, so I missed a lot of homework as usual, and finally regretted that I went to a college that made do-it-yourself. I was still stuck with my scores and a popular major for employment. Finally, after graduation, find the right job, work, and work according to your major, until today.

Counting it from the beginning is my biggest feeling when watching this film, that is: I lost my dreams as I grew up and matured. And I can't find it, and I can't remember when I lost it. Are you busy with your studies, when you are indulged in the beginning of your love, or when you are tired of climbing the grid in the office? In short, I can't find my dream anymore. This is an extremely terrible thing.

I have also chased stars, likes to cut newspapers, write articles, and have a three-minute collection of various objects, but these are just small hobbies with popular genes. It made me indulge in pursuing the dream of a lifetime, and I became embarrassed to mention it. Persistence, for me, has now become a luxury without a master.

Even if you can quibble yourself and follow most of the so-called successful people, saying that your career is your dream, but what kind of career development will be considered as a realization of your dream? In other words, what kind of result and state does one's dream achieve? It was dumb again, long and quiet.

I envy Burt Munro very much. His dream is very clear. "If you ride in the sun, it is the best time of your life. This is my dream." His dream makes his personality become cheerful, and he knows his own Heart disease will make you feel no greater than sad at the end of your motorcycle career and listen to the doctor like a child. His dream made him not afraid of being alone, "This is my mother, this is my father. They are all gone, and my past is gone. I will be nervous before the game, but I don’t care about anything at the beginning. There is nothing to be afraid of. It’s very interesting.” His dreams give him joy and courage in life, “If you don’t follow your dreams, your life must be rigid. Go when you want to go. , Don’t die when you are going.” His dream will also be an inspiration to others. Along the way, whether it is a ladyboy, a hitchhiker, a boarder, or an Indian tribe, it is a noble person or a friend. His dream makes him always happy like a child, and the way he writhes is indescribably cute.

Dreams are derived from a simple motive.
He succeeded, and I was so nervous with sweat in the process of breaking the record, but in the end he undoubtedly succeeded! I am very envious of the success!
This kind of envy will become the motivation for inspiration to find your dreams!

In addition, I am very grateful to a certain bear for introducing me to such an excellent film that gives me charcoal in the snow~

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Extended Reading
  • Hortense 2022-04-24 07:01:15

    I have seen the best road films and inspirational films, none of them, I have tears in my eyes, and I have downloaded a classic that has not been deleted for N years.

  • Clotilde 2022-04-23 07:02:50

    Only if you don't die, you must pursue your dreams. If you don't have dreams, what's the difference between vegetables and vegetables?

The World's Fastest Indian quotes

  • Jim Moffett: What are you doing?

    Burt Munro: [referring to his KIWI brand of black shoe polish] Well, the soft shoe polish fills in the cracks. Makes the tyres look spick and span, good as new. Cheaper than new ones anyway.

    Jim Moffett: I didn't see that.

  • Tom: How fast did you go?

    Burt Munro: Well, mighty fast. In one of my runs, I did over 200 miles an hour.

    Tom: Whoa! What would happen if you opened your mouth at that speed?

    Burt Munro: Well, you'd blow the backside out of your pants, I reckon.