Recognition and judgment of identity

Marcelino 2021-12-24 08:01:05

Foreword: For
the movies in the public elective class, if there are no questions from the teacher at the beginning, maybe I will only give a three-star if I don't know how to watch the movie. But it was because of the teacher's problem that I discovered the things behind the film and started my long journey of learning to watch movies.
In the following words, I assume that readers have already watched this movie.

what is the monster? Why it's a monster? Create and Myth. The symbol of Male/Female.

If you follow the general standard, weird people are undoubtedly monsters, different from ordinary people's body shapes, powerful, frightening features, and scarred bodies. But on another level, monsters are just relative concepts, just a criterion for judging things.
From the point of view of most people in the film, why are weirdos weird? Because he is rare and different from the group's "deformed" individuals. Although it has some of the appearance characteristics of the group, it does not have the same behavioral characteristics as the group and is not accepted by the group.
At the moment when Victor created the weird person, he only said: "It's alike!" Instead of he or she, he didn't think that the life he created was a person (even if it was pieced together by human limbs). Made).
The basis for these judgments is nothing more than the weird appearance of the weird person. (As the weirdo makes people sad: "Beacuse i am very ugly, and they are very beautiful"). However, a newly born weird person is as ignorant as a newly born baby, without cognitive ability, and all behavior is just an instinctive defense made by human beings after an attack. The poor weirdo hides in the pigpen in the forest hut, fights with the pigs for food, observes the life of the family through the cracks of the wooden wall at night, secretly learns the behavior and language of people (the first word friends learned), and in Secretly help the owner of the wooden house with work at night.
At Christmas, the family called the weird man who had never met but helped themselves as the elves in the forest, and placed the gifts they prepared for him in front of the door. When the weird opened the bag and took out a flower and was so moved, all he was excited about was thinking that he had gained the friendship of a family.
When the family went out and the blind grandfather was left behind, the weird man walked into the hut in the woods and sat by the fire with his grandfather for the first time. Although grandpa couldn't see, he was confident that he could "see" others with his hands. After touching the scars of the weird man, he said, "poor man!" man! Blind people treat weird people as human beings.
When the eccentric found Victor who created himself, the first sentence was: "Who am i?" Because of the exclusion of the group, the eccentric could not judge his identity, and could only ask for help.
This has to make people wonder, what is the standard of human judgment? Most people judge whether an individual is a member of the group based on whether their appearance conforms to the human characteristics (appearance association) or the degree of tolerance, while the blind people judge by the individual's behavioral characteristics, inner emotions and cognitive level, and then have the sentence in the film poor man! So sad.
After Victor re-experimented to resurrect his wife, he kept repeating "say my name!" name to her. Why did Victor value name so much? Name is a way for humans to recognize and distinguish others, and name seems to be a signal given by individuals after being judged by the group as a member of themselves. And through the name, Victor wants to confirm whether she is still his wife, whether she still has the memory and the ability to think, in order to judge whether she is still an individual, or an individual like a weirdo.
Pulling her up and dancing, memories of the past flashed by, she remembered, Victor! So Victor really accepted her. But sadly, it was she who remembered, realized her identity, but did not want to face her current body again (obviously this pieced body is not strangely horrible, but it is also out of normal people. Standard), under the gaze of Victor and the weirdo, he raised his kerosene lamp and set himself on fire.
Still the name, the captain saw the first words of the weird: "who are you?" The weird replied: "He (Victor) never gave me a name." name! A great way for humans to identify with partners.
In the end, the weirdo chose to accompany Victor (dead) who created himself to set himself on fire, which was just a reasonable and sad choice. "I've had enough of human beings." The weird man with the ability to think has undoubtedly realized that he is nothing more than a monster in the eyes of ordinary people, and he is destined not to be accepted by the group, so he will die together with Victor who gave his life. the best choice.

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Extended Reading
  • Eloise 2022-03-28 09:01:04

    It's actually quite shocking at the end, but I prefer novels

  • Janelle 2021-12-24 08:01:05

    Watching this movie is all because of Helena Bonham Carter! ! ! But the movie itself is also worthy of recognition! When the weirdo says "he was my father", the movie finally reverses from a science fiction novel into a Shakespearean tragedy that combines Freud's psychology, Rousseau's philosophy, and Christian ethics... . .

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein quotes

  • The Creature: If you deny me my wedding night... I shall be with you on yours!

  • The Creature: Don't bother to scream.