I want all those loves.

Loyce 2021-12-27 08:02:03

This is a work that closely revolves around love, and of course there is also the opposite of love-betrayal, but it is also to set off the preciousness of love. The core of the story is maternal love, but love is also the object that is outlined in full color. Whether it is the love between the heroine and the male protagonist that "travels through time and space", or the love that the heroine and her husband hides betrayal, or the love of the "murderer" who is willing to help the "killer" because of the lover's wrong hand killing . Regardless of their final result, when they looked at each other at the time, their eyes showed love. Perhaps the most impressive thing about the movie is its sound. The opening thunder surrounded the sky in the shadow, and also rumbling into the hearts of the viewers. The tense atmosphere suddenly spontaneously densely surrounds us, at this time it is difficult for you to withdraw yourself from the feeling community with the characters in the shadows. The repeated thunders can also be said to be turning points. Every time a thunderstorm comes, it heralds the establishment of space-time connections, implies that the past is about to change, and reveals the arrival of the butterfly effect. The thunder rumbling, the climax repeated. I noticed that the heroine rarely cries in the movie, even after so many changes. But when she knew that she was going to lose her beloved daughter, her emotions came out. In order to be able to reunite with her daughter, she chose to bet with her life. This makes me think of "Interstellar". Both are science fiction brain-burning films, and this film also has its own advantages in comparison. The plot of the film is more ups and downs, and the reasoning is more interesting. Many of the story plots are foreshadowing one by one, and it is worth looking back and looking for many times.

The ending of this film also surprised me. When I thought that the heroine had to choose between the daughter and the hero, the director gave his own answer: children only make choices, and adults want them all!

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Extended Reading
  • Kaya 2021-12-27 08:02:03

    Two lives in parallel time and space, squeezed into one's mind, two lives, two choices, you say abuse or not, but at the end of the film, the director gave the heroine the best choice, and the two are perfectly integrated. So the question is, if the unsuccessful husband is a good husband and a good daughter, and the police husband and her have a baby, then how to choose it!

  • Darius 2022-03-24 09:02:42

    The male protagonist is so perfect. Back then, he was brave and resourceful at a young age and had excellent psychological qualities. For more than 20 years, he persevered in finding the truth. When he grew up and looked handsome, he still used his passion and infatuation; The moment when the male protagonist reveals his identity reaches a climax. In fact, the play can end here, but in this world, in addition to love, family affection is also very important. The ending proves that an infatuated and handsome boyfriend can still be found again, but such a lovely daughter If you don't look for it, it's gone. Although the romance scene at the end makes the film's rhythm a little off, it's not too long before the end of the movie, plus the male protagonist is handsome, suicidal and lovable, even if it's a conventional HE want