we are human

Uriah 2022-11-20 08:45:26

When answering that we are Chinese, we should first think that we are human. Don't go to the black area anymore, don't go to racial discrimination, don't think that all black people are criminals, you have yellow face, thin muscles and kidney deficiency. For what, is it just that natural superiority? They are all human, they are all human.

Film reviews also have a word limit, which forces me to talk about deeper ideals.

I remember that I cried and shed tears several times during the movie, sad for the bumpy road of human beings. I understood it, but I couldn’t change it. All systems cannot be changed by any individual, we can only be happy or sad in them, just like I am hiding in the toilet to smoke, I feel very bad, some people violate the rights of smokers and discriminate against smoking Crowd, makes me feel guilty every time I smoke in a public place. It's not a normal system, there are smoking spots, but you know it's like taking your pants off and farting. So it’s still convenient to hide in the toilet. Sometimes I have to take off my pants and squat down to be realistic, making a little noise so that I don’t suspect that I’m a person who doesn’t poop in the pit. It's a real shame for smokers.

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