Thirty years, tears in both eyes, sincerity

Eliane 2022-04-20 09:02:34

Reading too many books makes it easy to become numb; seeing too many people makes it difficult to be sincere to each other.
Tired of superpowers and technology flying together in the current light and shadow, the muscles are of the same color, that gorgeousness sometimes just wants to escape, to cry quietly and enjoy a rare emotional feast.
The loyal dog Hachiko, a work adapted from a true story, accompanied by two artistic processing, this Japanese story has grabbed "one liter of tears" for many people. Many fans describe Hachiko with loyalty, which seems to be not comprehensive enough. The rarest emotion between Hachiko and the professor should be called sincerity, but the Japanese version is obviously hazy in the United States. It is precisely because the lost emotion between the most intelligent species on the planet is replenished in the form of cross-species that Hachiko's story/work is so tearful.

Stop the tears and be objective. Two loyal dogs Hachiko.
Audiences who have watched "The Story of the Loyal Dog Hachiko" (2009 US version, referred to as "Story") must feel that it is far ahead of the previous work "The Story of the Loyal Dog Hachiko" (1987 version, referred to as "Story"). Who knows that Kanto Shindo re-melted Hachiko's story after 32 years after the screenplay of "Monoga" in 1987, but the artistic expression of the former is not as mature as that of the latter, which makes "Story" more suitable for the appetite of the current audience. . Audiences who have watched "Story" will find that "Story" abandons the truth and cruelty of Hachiko's stories, but instead mixes too many artistic Western movie characteristics, making "Story" slightly shallow and unreal.
There are too many human beings in "Story", which makes the relationship between Hachiko and the professor too prominent, and there are too many side branches in the development of the plot, and the emotional tone of the main line becomes stiff, which is just more reflection on the war. ;In "Story", the brief interaction between Hachiko and other protagonists is cut off, and the last wandering of Hachiko is missing. The advantage is that the overall story is smooth and transparent, which adds a loyal tone to the feelings of the main line, but the disadvantage is that Hachiko The motive force of the sincere affection between the public and the professor is buried under the too warm and tragic color in the second half of the film. Of course, I have to say that the flashback technique of "Story" is very American (spoken by the professor's grandson), and the common heritage tone is more in line with the current experience, and its shooting skills use black and white to give Hachiko's perspective, which is easier Touch the tense nerves on the audience's tear ducts. (The director's new work "Story", "A Dog's Mission" will be released this year, and the idea should also start from here). It is worth mentioning that the soundtrack of "Story", from beginning to end, just changed the tune to be light and soothing, but it is enough to set off Hachiko's life, making this film full of tears, JanA.P.Kaczmarek (2005) Oscar's Best Score) approach is unique.

Take out the tissue and watch the movie (minor spoilers will not affect the movie)
Hachiko's story begins very simply. In "Story", the relationship between the professor and Hachiko comes from the only daughter who loves the new and hates the old. In "Story", it is even simpler, Hachiko directly became a stray dog ​​and was adopted. In the first dramatic conflict that followed, Hachiko and the professor's feelings became more and more melded over time, making the hostess jealous. This contradiction is more intense in "Story" and more modern and human in "Story". This dramatic conflict was buried deep until the professor's death, which affected Hachiko's later fate. The relationship between Hachiko and the professor became more and more intertwined as they were raised and accompanied. There are two sets of shots. One is a man and a dog bathing together and seeing each other sincerely. The two creatures are originally the same and equal in front of God; the second is Hachiko. Get into the habit of picking up professors at the station, unique dogs, upgrades from pets to equal creatures/souls.
The sudden death of the professor is the threshold for the plot to reach its climax. After crossing, the rest is tragedy and more tragedy. During the period, on the day the professor passed away, Hachiko's anomaly was the most common episode. A second dramatic conflict occurs, with Hachiko breaking free from the chains. Whether it was the chains that bound Hachiko at the funeral or the chains of the foster caregiver/daughter later, every time he broke free, every tear fell. Boya's broken qin and broken strings are the departure of the bosom friend, and Hachiko's break free is the pursuit of sincerity. The ending actually started very early. Hachiko was waiting for him at the door of the platform where the professor could no longer appear, but no one thought that this ending would last for nine years, until the aging body could no longer support the wait. The reunion of Hachiko and the professor in heaven at the end of the film is also the best consolation, because the audience is already in tears at this moment.

A film with an animal as the protagonist is described with the purpose of interpreting the equality of souls, making it the key to a good film. "Story" has a smooth plot. It took a lot of time in the early stage to build the audience's goodwill towards Hachiko. After the professor's death, he slowly described his watch at the gate of the platform, which brought tears to his face with a very simple act. With the consistent mature expression techniques of European and American films, the whole film is mostly warm, so that even the later tragedy is shrouded in warmth. On the contrary, although the plot of "Story" is very rough and complicated, it can be said to be rich in explaining the importance and equality of life. The scene where Hachiko breaks free from chains and chases the hearse may be the most sincere scene. Like close relatives, he does not accept what has come. Nightmare, whether it is of no benefit to human beings. Later, Hachiko constantly broke free from the chains and returned to the gate of the platform, which is a more realistic display. Changed owners replace pets, professors replace sincerity, and the result of "tragedy" must be like this. "Fan and Zhongxing all met me, so everyone reported it. As for Zhi Bo, when a countryman met me, my old countryman reported it." What is the difference between Hachiko and people who are waiting at this moment, they are also pure lives, and they are also equal souls. In comparison, "Story" is more realistic, and "Story" is more like a movie.

Don't assert that the two are better or worse, it's just the same story in different eras, "Story" is more profound, and "Story" is more tender. The only certainty is that both films will bring a spree of tears.
Vote for me with Mu Tao, and repay it with Qiong Yao. How sincere Hachiko waited. I'm not a "dog lover", I just love this one that brings sincerity to life.
May Hachiko, who met the professor in heaven, be able to reunite again and "face the sea and spring flowers bloom".

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