The Willingness of the Water Elemental Spirit

Rachelle 2022-04-23 07:04:54

The title has nothing to do with the content. This is written for myself, persuaded to quit.

Undine, when I saw the name, the first reaction was Undine of Fouquet, and the second reaction was Undine geht of Bachmann.

Undine's revenge in the film has the color of Undine in Bachmann's novels, and is also an independent woman, but lacks the courage and courage of Bachmann's women. Undine in the film is more like being forced to take revenge. For the sake of the loved one, he had to kill the man who betrayed him first according to the law of the water spirit, and then return to the water. This is Undine's willingness, and it also makes Undine, who was originally kind and cowardly in Fouquet's writing, more three-dimensional.

What surprises me is the construction of the laws of nature in the film. In the previous text, as long as the person in love betrays Undine, Undine and the place of the water will punish the man. Undine does not have the person he loves, so he cannot get the soul and has to return to the water. It seems that this is a pact that is entirely in Undine's favor, because whoever she loves cannot be betrayed.

The film reflects the limitations of the laws of nature on Undine - she has one and only one chance in her life to find the person she loves and get her soul. If a lover betrays her, according to the laws of nature, she must kill the person who betrayed her first, otherwise the next person she loves will be punished for violating the laws of nature... and the executioner must be Undine herself. When the previous lover is killed, the chance for the water element spirit to obtain the soul will be lost forever because of the bloody hands. The chance to love someone again and the qualification to live on land for a long time, of course, also disappeared with the possibility of forever losing the soul.

I like Undine the most as a museum docent, narrating the history of Berlin. I've never thought German sounds so good, I'm losing. Every fricative and fricative sounded like it was whispering in the ear, very sexy.

Mom, I will learn German well.

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