Douban asks you to watch a movie or take a politics class? !

Stuart 2022-04-21 09:03:35

It's really annoying to talk about patriotism one by one. "Bankrupt Sisters" chased after watching and laughed happily and didn't say insulting China? It doesn't have so much connotation, okay? Just watch the movie and see how people make it.

Speaking of mapping China, isn't it also mapping the United States? Which Korean movie doesn't scold the president and the government?

As for the role of Lee Jung-jae, it is reasonable to say that, but the change from before to after is a bit abrupt. Ha Zhengyu is really good, he is a professional in disaster films, and each character has an independent personality without any trace of other characters, which is very rare. Sharon Tate in "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" reminds people when she smiles: Isn't this the queen of tricks?

Some people say that the roles of Ma Dong-seok and Ha Jung-woo should be swapped? First of all, Ha Zhengyu has a lot of scenes, and the changes are more complicated; secondly, when you stand outside the iron fence, you will feel that Ma Dongxi can pull the iron door open at once, which is embarrassing.

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