Every Citizen Kane

Erick 2022-04-22 07:01:02

The structure is perfect and the filming techniques are excellent. The characters are layered and rich. Kane's life story and spiritual world are deeply depicted. The
teacher commented that Kane's humity and innocence were told in the snow in childhood to leave his parents. He never Wherever he has been, he has lost his childlike image in the white snow. The outstanding joy is the director's careful arrangement and the director's key point
. His desire for control, his contradictions, his charisma, his greatness His loneliness has made him a distinct existence.
Without subtitles, I watched the whole thing. I already enjoyed it. After reading the film review, I felt more details and more historical background
. The two lines that were most impressive probably meant kane. The friend's sentence "You give people love and want them love you back" and the reporter walked in the palace full of kane's collections while sighing but also sarcastically said "He once own everything and then lost everything"
kane is great and Ordinary experience the ups and downs that everyone will experience in life, with the contradictions that everyone struggles constantly

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Extended Reading
  • Moises 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    #23 With deep focus and wide-angle, beautiful long shots, and an arrangement full of screen connections, the core film language has all matured here; the five flashbacks in the plot are like a carefully arranged maze. When approaching the answer step by step, the Kane's life is spliced ​​together; the Rosebud that can't be found turned out to be just a sled as a child, and the vastness of life, its weakness and tenderness are just some unworthy regrets.

  • Rebeka 2021-10-20 19:00:24

    "Summarize all the techniques of the ten years since the advent of sound films", to maximize the expansion of the basic form and structure of film voice, breaking the narrative method of traditional film linear causality as the main line; the theme and clues rose buds, echoing the open structure; objective reality Combined with subjective intentions, paragraph shots, deep and deep focus, shadow backlighting, different editing styles for long shots in the same scene, audio montage

Citizen Kane quotes

  • Stagecoach Driver / Hauler: There ain't no bedrooms in this joint, that's a newspaper building!

    Mr. Bernstein: You're getting paid, Mister, for opinions or for hauling?

  • [last lines]

    Raymond: Throw that junk in.