
Ambrose 2022-04-21 09:01:12

"We are all students of actual combat." "Don't hate your enemies." "Every day they strive for perfection." "A deep emotion." "This place is full of divinity." "Too many distractions... ...knives, the eyes of the crowd, the enemy..." "No mind" "Perfect cherry blossoms are rare." "Death by the knife" "You only have nightmares when you are ashamed of what you have done." "You are not afraid. Die, but sometimes you want to die... Every life dies, every breath, every cup of tea, every person you kill can understand life. This is 'Bushi Tao'." "You person can change Destiny?" "One can only go all out and wait for the fate to be revealed." "I will miss our conversation." "He may have found a little peace of mind that we all seek, but few of us can truly Find it." "The last faith, the last tragic." "The tiger's eyes are wide open, just like my eyes, but he came from the deep and tumultuous sea." A person's inner peace, spend his whole life to find, that belongs to his heart , peaceful, "calm".

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Extended Reading
  • Lenny 2022-03-26 09:01:01

    If you believe me to be your enermy, command me and I will gladly take my life.

  • Bernita 2022-03-21 09:01:11

    It’s a good film about the spirit of Bushido.

The Last Samurai quotes

  • Algren: [narrating] Winter, 1877. What does it mean to be Samurai? To devote yourself utterly to a set of moral principles. To seek a stillness of your mind. And to master the way of the sword.

  • Algren: [narrating] Spring, 1877. This marks the longest I've stayed in one place since I left the farm at 17. There is so much here I will never understand. I've never been a church going man, and what I've seen on the field of battle has led me to question God's purpose. But there is indeed something spiritual in this place. And though it may forever be obscure to me, I cannot but be aware of its power. I do know that it is here that I've known my first untroubled sleep in many years.