The story goes on...

Clinton 2022-04-20 09:01:08

Jack followed his boss to handle the case. Obviously, he had long disagreed with his boss's behavior, and even despised it. Looking at the boss's handling of the case and the attitude towards the prisoners, it is obviously not the conduct that a real policeman should have. But Jack, who had just arrived, obviously pinned his hopes on this training day, and wanted to use his abilities to prove to his boss, but he didn't know that he was in the abyss of conspiracy step by step!
First, he made Jack smoke marijuana in a way of half seduction and half coercion! This is the beginning of Jack's deep fall into the dead, which led to one being the order of the boss, and the safety psychology caused by Jack's trust in the boss, and the other is Jack's desire for this hope that can change his life. This is the so-called no desire is rigid, since there is a request, it will inevitably be used by others.
Lawrence saw through this point and dared to coerce Jack so arrogantly, and spoke to Jack's family again and again. During his step-by-step street training, Jack increasingly felt challenged to his values ​​and principles, but didn't quit in time at two pivotal points that were completely infuriated to end up putting himself in such a dangerous situation. Even after seeing the filthy and dirty way of handling the case by Lawrence and others, he got into Lawrence's car. It seems that Jack, under the temptation of Lawrence's wolfish philosophy, went from initial awe to step by step confusion until the final compromise. ...And in the end, Jack's hard blow was just a sudden awakening after knowing that Lawrence was going to put him to death. This is the real Jack, but it is also the Jack who almost never finds himself!
Although the story is over, Jack may not be able to live a peaceful life in the future. How powerful are the forces behind them, how dirty the way they do things... And they only solved a Lawrence, and even after being beaten into a beehive by Russian gangsters, there is a final conclusion that he was killed in the line of duty... Lawrence Lost, it can be said that he is still a winner, he is dirty and mean, and he has abandoned his integrity as a policeman. But in the end, it has become a model for future generations and the object of praise for the media. Die so decently... What is good? What's wrong? What is the world? What is Jack desperately fighting for? It's just his own principles... it's his conduct to the world! In the end....Be alert and there are thousands of Lawrence.... Since Jack has already embarked on this road. What is the final result... Is it the invincibility of evil.... or the power of justice slowly degenerating under coercion and temptation... Who will know?

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Extended Reading
  • Clarissa 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    The more I look, the more boring~~

  • Celine 2021-10-20 19:00:23

    This film by Fuquai is really good, the script, characters, performance, and values ​​are almost perfect. The first half of the film is full of deceptiveness. Under Denzel Washington’s domineering performance, the audience mistakenly believed that the story that the director was going to show was just a black police detective who was both righteous and evil and used violence to control violence. How to adapt to the rules of the game in the jungle world. But after Ethan Hawke completed self-help by accident, we realized that all this is just a hoax set up by the director and the characters in the film. The film seems to simply focus on a day when a novice police officer received training, but in fact, it reveals to us that another police detective who has no faith or bottom line and betrayed the principles of justice was abandoned by self, colleagues, family and ethnic groups. process. In the end, the "snail", who adhered to the concept of the legal system and self-discipline, defeated the "wild wolf", who was confusing and irresistible, and when he returned to his family, the audience also completed a shocking screen education and psychological punishment.

Training Day quotes

  • Smiley: I am always getting love for the homies.

  • Blue: [while in a wheelchair] What you need, homey?

    Jake Hoyt: Crack. 20 bucks' worth.

    Blue: Crack?

    [looks at Alonzo]

    Blue: Smells like bacon in this muthafucka. What I look like, a sucka to you, nigga? Fuck you, rookie.