ruthless depression

Joy 2022-04-22 07:01:02

In an era of the Great Depression, the story of King Kong begins.
After waiting for a bizarre but not mysterious hour, King Kong appeared. After jumping cliffs, walking cliffs, beating up dinosaurs, and comparing some disgusting and terrifying bugs, I finally felt the same way as the heroine: King Kong, "So beautiful"! Many people died, all of them had unknown personality traits. King Kong was then brought to New York by "self-righteous humans" and became the Eighth Wonder. Standing on the eaves and not bowing his head, King Kong had to be killed by humans who were "destined to conquer the sky".
Killing a sentient and intentional monster, will human beings win or lose? Things in the world are so simple.
"King Kong" is over, and the world continues to be depressed. Tomorrow...what time will the relief station open?

PS: I can't accept that some critics cling to the so-called "love" in the film. Judging from a certain clip, this gorilla is indeed very "cute" and very "feeling", but the heroine treats him only as a kind of "philanthropy" towards pets, and King Kong only regards the heroine as a friend, saying " "Human and Animal Love" is a bit "hard", after all, this is not a love movie.

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Extended Reading
  • Emil 2022-03-22 09:01:10

    The plot is not simple and rude, it tells a complete story, although some places need to be scrutinized; the foreshadowing is too long, the King Kong comes out too late, and the whole film is also long; the fighting special effects are good. The small moves are cute but the facial expressions are not vivid; the feelings of King Kong The origin of it may be that it was lonely for too long and someone made it happy, but I still felt that it was too bloody to be moved.

  • Dagmar 2022-03-24 09:01:12

    I really think the black and white version is much better.

King Kong quotes

  • Captain Englehorn: Ma'am?

    Ann Darrow: Ann Darrow.

    Captain Englehorn: So, you are ready for this voyage, Miss Darrow?

    Ann Darrow: Sure.

    Captain Englehorn: Nervous?

    Ann Darrow: Nervous? No. Why? should I be?

  • Carl Denham: [filming the dinosaurs] Walk forward, Bruce.

    Bruce Baxter: What?

    Carl Denham: You're the star of this picture. Get into character and head towards the animals.

    Bruce Baxter: What the hell kind of place is this? Are you sure about this, Denham? Don't we have a stand-in for this type of thing?

    Carl Denham: I need you in the shot, or people will say they're fake.

    Bruce Baxter: Oh nobody's gonna think these are fake.