
Kraig 2022-04-23 07:01:09

I've been obedient, I've come to write a movie review before reading it, I've never seen such a low-minded film. Every character tries to look stupid, right? There was only one woman on a boat, and the natives were slapped away. A team of SBs on the boat is going to save people. It's really awesome. The creed of life is to seek wealth and danger, and the dinosaur will survive under the crotch, and the protagonist will not fall to death, right? The nt captain sternly said that I don't want to get involved, and I'll be a savior every time, right? This director is the only one who has an IQ point online, and it took a long time to break the chain and it still broke. I love the heroine so much, just because this monster beats the dinosaurs away, she will never give up on the monsters People kill it, and it's so beautiful to be held by a monster, isn't it? Extremely anti-animal nature, I am really afraid that the heroine will applaud after King Kong knocks down the plane... Don't make any nonsense about "human animal love", the heroine is stupid, extremely stupid, this film is built On top of stupidity, its roots are as solid as the New York residential buildings in the movie where King Kong can happily parkour. Brody's writers at the beginning are useless, firstly personable, and then slashing bugs for the next two hours? (It's disgusting, you motherfucker) And she has become the mistress between the heroine and King Kong. This is a Brody black history movie. When I watched it, I always hoped that the heroine or King Kong would die soon...

It's not like a sci-fi movie, it's a real feeling. It's good for everyone to watch it... There are so many good movies, it's best not to waste three and a half hours on this kind of stuff, don't watch ah ah ah ah! ! !

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Extended Reading
  • Patsy 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    is very touching. But the first paragraph really feels a bit redundant!

  • Arjun 2021-10-20 19:00:15

    Humans are so terrible, they can knock out a King Kong that is one enemy to three Tyrannosaurus rex

King Kong quotes

  • Captain Englehorn: Ma'am?

    Ann Darrow: Ann Darrow.

    Captain Englehorn: So, you are ready for this voyage, Miss Darrow?

    Ann Darrow: Sure.

    Captain Englehorn: Nervous?

    Ann Darrow: Nervous? No. Why? should I be?

  • Carl Denham: [filming the dinosaurs] Walk forward, Bruce.

    Bruce Baxter: What?

    Carl Denham: You're the star of this picture. Get into character and head towards the animals.

    Bruce Baxter: What the hell kind of place is this? Are you sure about this, Denham? Don't we have a stand-in for this type of thing?

    Carl Denham: I need you in the shot, or people will say they're fake.

    Bruce Baxter: Oh nobody's gonna think these are fake.