Sometimes love is a look

Delia 2022-04-23 07:01:09

The plot of removing all kinds of big bugs big bugs big bugs big bugs. . .
I think in this movie, I will jump straight to the back and watch

Donkey Kong, which makes the heroine scream .
I once thought the heroine would lose her voice.
She didn't know that he was showing love for her. It

should be the most comfortable and relaxing when the two of you are alone. Well, the
heroine will also perform throwing stones to tease him
with Donkey Kong, even if she spreads her palms out, she can understand

that love doesn't need to be said, right
At least at that time, it was established and

skipped all the happiness and arrived at the tragic plot. The
heroine and Donkey Kong meet again and the last time
. Jerking up on a high-rise building for the woman
he loves is nothing more than because his silent love

are in his eyes
From full of ferocity to helpless tenderness
, there is no word from the beginning to the end.
It can't speak.

In the funny stage play, I use lines to tell everyone
"if you love her, you should tell her".

Eyes can convey love , but it
is more real without words. The heroine chooses to hug the hero I think he must express it in words

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Extended Reading
  • Arjun 2021-10-20 19:00:15

    Humans are so terrible, they can knock out a King Kong that is one enemy to three Tyrannosaurus rex

  • Eugenia 2022-03-23 09:01:12

    Mainly very lengthy and there is no shortage of places to pay tribute to the old version. Several actors are well selected.

King Kong quotes

  • Captain Englehorn: Ma'am?

    Ann Darrow: Ann Darrow.

    Captain Englehorn: So, you are ready for this voyage, Miss Darrow?

    Ann Darrow: Sure.

    Captain Englehorn: Nervous?

    Ann Darrow: Nervous? No. Why? should I be?

  • Carl Denham: [filming the dinosaurs] Walk forward, Bruce.

    Bruce Baxter: What?

    Carl Denham: You're the star of this picture. Get into character and head towards the animals.

    Bruce Baxter: What the hell kind of place is this? Are you sure about this, Denham? Don't we have a stand-in for this type of thing?

    Carl Denham: I need you in the shot, or people will say they're fake.

    Bruce Baxter: Oh nobody's gonna think these are fake.