On the beauty of the heroine Evelyn

Margarita 2022-04-20 09:01:08

When I saw the heroine for the first time, I felt that the heroine was stupid. But as the story progresses, the heroine becomes more and more sexy and prettier. He revealed an exotic beauty after wearing Egyptian clothes, which deeply attracted the male protagonist. Although the male protagonist said at the beginning that he did not like Evelyn, it can be seen from the various actions of the male protagonist. show his love for the heroine. The heroine is pure, her love for Egypt and Egyptian culture, her pursuit of knowledge, her respect for her parents, her longing for love, and her responsibilities after the release of the Pharaoh High Priest. i like the heroine

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Extended Reading
  • Elza 2022-03-25 09:01:05

    A sci-fi action movie that makes people enjoyable from beginning to end. Isn't one of the pleasures of the movie to enjoy the pleasure of the moment? It is really pretty good-looking, should be the best in the Hollywood adventure series, and I heard that it is also a box office big. The actor is very handsome in the drama, like a mix of Pete and Takeshi Kaneshiro, and the heroine is also beautiful and cute. I saw two of her films and found it in the brain search database immediately. Hehe, watching the movie tonight is completely happy~

  • Kaela 2022-03-26 09:01:01

    I was scared to death when I was a kid, and now I can finally understand the plot...I ride this universal roller coaster twice! ! !

The Mummy quotes

  • Rick: [to Mr. Henderson] This door doesn't open. She doesn't come out, and no one goes in, right?

    Mr. Henderson: Right.

    Rick: [to Mr. Daniels] Right?

    Mr. Daniels: Right.

    Evelyn: [locked in the bedroom] O'Connell! Jonathan!

    Rick: Let's go, Jonathan.

    Jonathan: Oh, uh, I thought I could just stay at the fort and, uh, reconnoiter.

    Rick: Now!

    Jonathan: Yeah. Right. We're just gonna rescue the... Egyptologist.

  • Rick: [to Evelyn] Well, forget it! We're out the door, we're down the hall, and we're gone.