
Priscilla 2022-04-23 07:01:12

In "Venom: Deadly Guardian", he created a hero who is not very heroic. Everyone has seen Iron Man, Captain America, and people like them maintain justice. They are just like our hero Guo Jing in the later period. Can be picky. And Venom is different from them. He has character, temper, cuteness, and funny. But let's try to think about it, if people like Guo Jing don't have the heroic hero Jin Yong gave to serve the country and the people, how many people will like it? , especially in times like these. So such a hero movie that is different from the past seems to give you a living person, very close.

Before watching the trailer, everyone may think that this is a very disgusting, violent, and bloody movie, but when you walk into the cinema, you will find that this is a very relaxing, comfortable and interesting movie. You will find that such a very cute character has an unsightly appearance, but he likes it very much.

He has a deep, sexy and magnetic voice, big cute eyes, and a long, restless tongue. I have to say that Venom is also an emotional master, a pick-up artist, and a psychologist, who has worried a lot for us Eddie.

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Extended Reading
  • Andrew 2022-03-20 09:01:11

    Who wants to see the savior of mankind with a bad face, we are looking forward to anti-heroes who are both right and evil! After reading it, I even miss the pure villain Venom 11 years ago. This film has become the visual perception of the American version of "Parasite Beast"... Tang Laoshi’s acting skills and Venom’s joke lines are the biggest highlights, but the feature film is like Fast forward as fast as you did, part of the plot was too quick to explain why, and the ending subtitles seemed to be deliberately prolonged and slowed down, plus two Easter eggs for a full 20 minutes... It’s so weird! If Easter Egg 1 leads to the following is a bit interesting, does Easter Egg 2, which is close to 4 minutes, have anything to do with this live-action movie? Purely to give a preview of the animation at the end of the year? ? ? The hard charge time is so terrible! 5/10

  • Josue 2021-10-20 19:00:23

    It actually took forty minutes to get Venom to fit the male protagonist. Isn’t it enough for the ordinary people who no one wants to watch it for twenty minutes? In contrast, the pace of the Australian version of Tom Hardy's "Upgrade" is really much better. And Tom Hardy's powerful muscles are too fake to play me!

Venom quotes

  • [a mid-credits scene: Eddie arrives at a prison to interview the serial murderer Cletus Kasady. Kasady, handcuffed and held at a small pen, turns his head and smiles at Eddie]

    Cletus Kasady: Hi, Eddie.

    Eddie Brock: Hey.

    Cletus Kasady: Do you mind if we forego the whole creepy serial killer thing?

    Eddie Brock: Sure, it's good with me.

    Cletus Kasady: I mean, I can turn it on if you want. I can talk about the Dadaist patterns of arterial spray.

    Eddie Brock: I bet you can.

    Cletus Kasady: Tough to see you in this light, Eddie. Come on over.

    [Eddie approaches]

    Eddie Brock: All right. I'm here.

    Cletus Kasady: When I get out of here, and I will...

    [Kasady takes deep breath]

    Cletus Kasady: ...there's gonna be carnage.

    [Kasady smiles nastily]

  • Venom: Goodbye, Eddie.

    Eddie Brock: Venom, NO!