Tribute to a classic

Alejandra 2022-04-19 09:01:12

1 The special effects look very real now, but I feel that many shots are slightly obscured by plants

2 Not to mention that dinosaurs hunted humans, humans hunted dinosaurs, and dinosaurs entered the human world are full of imagination

3 The film feels full of causal irony. The biggest dramatic conflict comes from the misunderstanding between saving the little dinosaur and the little dinosaur's parents. When they released dinosaurs, how did they know that everyone would be a team in the future; when they took out warheads, how did they know that there would be targeted attacks later. At first, the person who shocked the small carnivorous dinosaur with the electric clip also died in the end. The boss who always wanted to catch the little tyrannosaurus was caught by the little tyrannosaurus instead.

It can be said to be a very good commercial film.

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Extended Reading
  • Pearl 2022-04-24 07:01:02

    The best action scene in the trilogy is this one. The progress of the story depends entirely on suicide. The first half of the story relies on the heroine who is overflowing with maternal love. When she sees the dinosaur cubs, she can't help it, which makes everyone's life hanging by a thread. Dog jumps. Why is there a storm every time I land on the island, and why are there more guns in vain? Dare to catch dinosaurs with this combat power? life will find a way, it is better not to disturb from a distance. 7/10

  • Korey 2022-03-20 09:01:09

    It's a pity that I didn't go to the cinema at that time.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park quotes

  • [When Sara's camera runs out of film and the baby dinosaur roars]

    Dr. Ian Malcolm: Oh, they get very angry when you run out of film.

  • Sarah Harding: [about the baby T-Rex] He's too drugged.

    Dr. Ian Malcolm: He's never gonna know we have it if the thing doesn't make some kind of sound.

    Sarah Harding: Come on. Wake up. Come on. Come on. Wake up.

    [baby T-rex growls. Adult T-Rex sniffs the air then roars in their direction]

    Sarah Harding: He knows.