boundless despair

Justus 2022-04-19 09:01:13

I have always had a deep memory of that scene: I woke up one morning and found that the world was as silent as death, and there was no one around to be found, only the empty streets, buildings and me were left. The boundless daze and despair. It seems to appear countless times in a dream.

The part where the little girl's father is infected is also well done. The cause of the infection was sudden and strange. Express your love and apology to your daughter at the end, and then push her out hard. Heartbreaking.

Is the last soldier's idea wrong? Without a woman, even living is a hopeless future. Just don't be animalistic, with women, human beings will be able to multiply, why bother?

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Extended Reading
  • Elenora 2022-03-24 09:01:11

    I haven't watched "Resident Evil", and I haven't played a zombie game. This is me, I started to watch it. I haven't come into contact with movies of this kind of subject matter, so I watched them very fresh. At the beginning, a few people from the Animal Protection Association who did not know the truth ran to the Cambridge University Research Institute and released the infected gorilla. Blood contact infects humans with endless homicidal tendencies. This is not a horror movie. It is a survival movie in extreme environments. All kinds of escape and survival.

  • Arielle 2022-03-23 09:01:11

    The editing and soundtrack are pretty good

28 Days Later... quotes

  • [Corporal Mitchell sees an infected step on a land mine, bouncing onto another land mine]

    Corporal Mitchell: Fucking hell! He bounced!

    Sergeant Farrell: Cease fire!

    Corporal Mitchell: I ain't never seen anything like that in my fuckin' life!

  • [Corporal Mitchell teases Selena after taking her machete from her]

    Corporal Mitchell: [Mitchell holds the machete out from his front crotch] You wanna get your hands on a really big chopper, you just come and see me.

    Selena: Fuck you!

    Corporal Mitchell: How about right now?