Macie Schowalter

Macie Schowalter



  • Kikujiro Kikujiro

    Macie 2022-04-21 09:03:02

    Small comment

    The feeling of watching this film is that as long as the style is unified, it is possible to create a plot that is separated from the sense of reality. I like the structure of this film, looking for realism in the absurd, and the alienation effect is excellent. This alienation effect is not only reflected in the plot, in the performance of the actors, in the segmented structure, and in the scheduling and editing of shots.
        The summer of Kikujiro, the childlike Takeshi Kitano-sama, is...

  • Murder on the Orient Express Murder on the Orient Express

    Macie 2022-04-21 09:01:42

    Aged in a new bottle, the older it gets, the more fragrant it gets.

    A few years ago, when I was still studying in Jinan, my body was not what it is today. If I didn’t pay attention to my diet, I would have a physique like a puffed ball, and I had long hair. I spent a lot of time and thought on it, and I always thought that I was Axl Rose, ignoring the fact that I was just Tom Yorke in the eyes of others.

    But now I can still brag about myself...

  • Machete Machete

    Macie 2022-04-21 09:01:37

    Even as a B-movie, the plot has no impact

    This Rodriguez is supposed to be a title, at most it is to master the overall situation and come up with ideas, and the rest is left to the rookie director under his command. Danny Trejo starred, on the one hand, because of his relationship with Rodriguez, and on the other hand, his face worthy of the title of "machete", mainly the former. De Niro played such a nutritious role, not as good as his performance in Quentin's "Dangerous Relationship", the director can't use people. I feel that...

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Macie 2022-04-21 09:01:35

    The adult world in children's works

    Although it is a children's work in name, it is very interesting to interpret it in depth... Let's talk about a classic scene. Before marriage, a man is as wild and bohemian as a fox. But when he heard that his girlfriend was pregnant, the fox father said "wow", and the people who came here had this understanding: the 30 years of "free" life is over, and I finally want to throw away the fantasy and prepare to fight and go to Hamburg wholeheartedly. It's a lot of fun... Haha, it's very...

  • You've Got Mail You've Got Mail

    Macie 2022-04-21 09:01:30

    record movies watched

    The movie "Electronic Love Letter You've Got Mail" that I watched on the train last night was poked by the feelings of enemies in this warm atmosphere. The two people started chatting a little bit from the "Drift Bottle Friends" who had never met, to the intersection in real life that made the two become business enemies, and finally Joe found out that Kathleen was his netizen, and started after recognizing his heart. Various little routines made Kathleen realize her love...

  • Black Panther Black Panther

    Macie 2022-04-21 09:01:15

    Chinese racism

    Are Chinese people racist? The most widely circulated sentence on the Chinese Internet: I hate racist people and black people the most!

    In the Chinese cultural tradition, blackness is the original sin. Once a person's skin color is black, he has nothing to do with ugliness, and is equated with inferior people. And in China, political correctness is not allowed to talk about topics related to the...

  • Schindler's List Schindler's List

    Macie 2022-04-21 09:01:03

    What details of "Schindler's List" impressed you?

    A teacher who is not allowed to leave the ghetto: "Why is it not important that I teach history and literature?" Finally, he left the district as a metal grinder.

    When the one-armed mechanic thanked Schindler, he waited at the door every day, saying "God bless you" three times. Schindler was obviously more comfortable with women and officers.

    "An educated Jew is like Marx."

    When the Nazis were arresting people, a family member wrapped a piece of bread (like metal) and...

  • Ralph Breaks the Internet Ralph Breaks the Internet

    Macie 2022-04-20 09:01:41

    Better than the first one!

    The Internet world is amazing, the imagination is amazing, Tmall, Amazon, Weibo, Youtube, Google. The portrayal of dark web viruses is terrible. The racing part was so cool! The two are so good! Sister Flash is so handsome when she drives and takes off in the air! Saw Nick the Fox! It feels like Winnipeg is like a young man who yearns for a big city and wants to go out and does not want to live in peace with his parents. The two people have different personalities, and the differences are...

  • Singin' in the Rain Singin' in the Rain

    Macie 2022-04-20 09:01:17

    If you have the chance, be sure to "singing in the rain"

    Teacher Bai Yansong said that watching some movies or books at different times will give you completely different feelings.

    When watching this movie, it was still raining in Hangzhou at night. Although it is not as heavy as the rain in the movie, it is enough to let you open the umbrella in your hand.

    When I saw the beginning, I felt like I went back to watching the cartoon "Tom and Jerry" when I was a child. I thought it would be the same musical as India, but

    I didn't...

  • The Island The Island

    Macie 2022-04-20 09:01:12

    A wonderful healing action movie

    It's such a good-looking movie, I thought it was filmed in 2015, but later I found out that the filming time was ten years earlier. The director originally made the Transformers series, and the male protagonist has acted in so many popular movies, not to mention the female protagonist. . The eye-catching protagonist + the concept of life and death exploration + the explosive action plot, plus this pair of living treasures who are only three-year-old with an IQ, but are full of curiosity...

  • Bruce Almighty Bruce Almighty

    Macie 2022-04-20 09:01:08

    The one who loves you is the end of all pursuits

    In fact, there are no bright spots in the plot structure of this film. It is quite satisfactory. Objectively speaking, this is really not a film worthy of a film review. It’s just that when 10,000 people watch a movie, there will be 10,000 kinds of thoughts, with my own thoughts. It's just different for me.
        The male protagonist in the movie complains about his unhappiness at work, is irritable, and is often out of control. He can't listen when the heroine is comforting him, he can't do...

  • Suffragette Suffragette

    Macie 2022-04-19 09:02:36

    We go on. We go on

    It's been a long time since I watched biopics. In the postgraduate period, I started watching works related to women, and unknowingly, I was very interested in such works. Tonight Kim Soo said she wanted to see this movie before, so I wanted to see it too.

    Compared with the recently watched "The Flower Blooms and the Moon Is Full", this film is serious and realistic, without the halo of the protagonist, the male protagonist of Mary Sue, and no one to...

  • Transformers: The Last Knight Transformers: The Last Knight

    Macie 2022-04-19 09:01:51

    The story of Earth and Transformers who love explosions

    There is a joke in the film circle circulating on the Internet. It is said that a special effects engineer from DreamWorks (a famous Hollywood production company) said: "Most big-name directors in Hollywood don't know what they want in special effects, and they only care about special effects. The teacher said that you make a few versions and see and then let the special effects...

  • The Fountain The Fountain

    Macie 2022-04-19 09:01:33

    Darling, I'm waiting for you at the end of time

    Yesterday, when I was sorting out the files on my portable hard drive, I saw a movie I watched three years ago, and its name was The Fountain. I carefully recalled the content of the film and realized that I did not fully understand it at the time. So, with the desire to try to understand it again, I watched it again. This time, I finally saw through the fog that my age and shallow experience had caused me to see its core, clear and vivid.
        It's a love story, but it's a story that's...

  • Face/Off Face/Off

    Macie 2022-04-19 09:01:19

    face change movie review

    I adore Quentin. But Quentin is John Woo's little fanboy, almost to the point of admiration! Two years ago, after I watched the first Quentin movie "Kill Bill", what kind of experience was that? Silly

    Before that, I never knew that movies could express my emotions so unscrupulously, and I never knew that women should be like this: when the society mocks them ruthlessly and treats them cruelly, I will report With teeth, with blood.


  • Macie 2023-09-21 06:24:45

    The foreplay was too long and bloated, and the scenes that belonged to the battlefield actually ended. Russell Crowe's Water Divide fought the same way.

  • Macie 2023-09-21 04:02:55

    Obviously a good story is probably a budget, can you make it a little rougher? Look at this because I help people find movies. I don’t know why so many people swear to describe a lot of fog + Ning Hangyi, the first game that must be fouled The plot of a story says that I have seen such a movie but I can't remember the name, and I firmly deny that it is not these two works

  • Macie 2023-09-19 07:34:31

    In terms of sensationalism, it is not as fierce as 1 because of the numerous branches, but the emotions of the characters are still often confused, the world view is still chaotic, and the procedures and laws of the underworld are very casual, which is really a pity (is that only the case with Asian culture). The dinosaur section is completely visual dazzle and abuse. If there are still 3, the role of the caring soldier is not flattering

  • Macie 2023-09-17 12:52:07

    Everyone says it’s true. Alcohol-free promo hahahaha. Seeing that there will be some plots in the middle, it feels a bit exaggerated and nonsensical, but the overall impression is comfortable. Music shooting skills and acting. These are all okay, and the more exciting it becomes, the more exciting it is although the barrage Someone said, "Keep it high, but I don’t think it’s a waste of time after watching the whole show, but I’m still a little bit touched by it.

  • Macie 2023-09-16 09:54:17

    Well, what should I say, the novels and animations are very successful, the manga is...

  • Macie 2023-09-05 11:10:53

    It’s not bad for Americans to shoot biographies~ Not to mention, they have sparked with India~ That’s basically not bad

  • Macie 2023-08-29 18:41:44

    Three points more strength, two points less elegance

  • Macie 2023-08-05 23:51:11

    Finished in one night, this is a healing masterpiece with the most beautiful and curious thoughts. The story incorporates all sorts of myths and legends, from the pact-loving little elves to thunderbirds, weather ghosts, house sprites, and mountain-sized giants who can jump into the universe in one fell swoop. Innocent childlike and beautiful gentle fantasy. Especially the giant waiting for a thousand years is very touching. Whether it's a simple and lovely style of painting, decently shaped Hilda, Frida, and David, or a delicate and warm story with some little truths, "Hilda" can be said to be outstanding in every aspect. In addition, the Chinese dubbing produced by Netflix is ​​very perfect. It does not lose English at all. There are a few episodes that I deliberately choose Chinese dubbing to watch.

  • Macie 2023-08-02 22:18:03

    The foreshadowing in the front is really lustful for the invincible action scenes in the back.

  • Macie 2023-06-29 10:35:49

    A special genre film of the author's breath. Wenders' films are always walking on the road with loneliness and anxiety, always sighing silently on the way to explore the trajectory of the city, and it can always make my heart really calm down and appreciate the city of nothingness and loneliness! Wenders' use of colors already has the shadow of Paris, Texas. Wenders' highways are still so charming. I would like to die alone in Wenders' alienated images!

  • Macie 2023-05-29 18:09:11

    It is found that the essence of sticking to 3D is bullshit

  • Macie 2023-05-29 04:00:52

    When Neptune took the lead, I couldn't bear it anymore. I didn't pick up guns and didn't change cars. The killer was extremely unprofessional. Everyone basically specialized in hitting non-critical points. Can be classified as SB class. The line between the daughter and the female FBI is basically meaningless and a waste of time. Fast forward worthy shit. Finally, since fast-forwarding I didn't realize the so-called reversal, if you take that into account, sporadic!

  • Macie 2023-05-25 13:32:27

    Although these foxes pretend to be coercive, dig into the ground to steal chickens, don’t do business, and they are all stiff as if there is a problem with the akimbo muscles, but if you don’t consider the moral issue of actually stealing, those little beasts are watery. The eyes are really sparkling and lovely - seriously, didn't FOX deliberately make this fox animation to make himself more popular?

  • Macie 2023-05-18 16:04:30

    Not bad, although the plot doesn't have much content, but there are too many dry goods and the scenery is too beautiful. After reading the relevant introduction, I like it even more.

  • Macie 2023-05-15 11:04:45

    I don't like it at all, the girl is not good-looking, and I don't like the plot. In the end, the little boy can't live. I copied it from a colleague. I don't want to watch this kind of drama.