Jamir Reilly

Jamir Reilly



  • The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice

    Jamir 2022-04-19 09:02:34

    Feeling a little

    The Merchant of Venice had read his original book for a long time, and he never thought that watching the movie would give him a different feeling. It can even be said that it completely overturned the inherent concept of reading the original book when I was in junior high school and high school, which caused me to think differently. Of course, there is Al Pacino's acting bonus, but considering that the movie did not reprocess the script lines at all, it should be said that Shakespeare,...

  • The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement

    Jamir 2022-04-19 09:02:17

    One of them sings Chinese songs! What is it called, who knows?

    One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese songs! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! One of them sings Chinese...

  • Bad Education Bad Education

    Jamir 2022-04-19 09:02:16


    Personal Rating: 9.5
    OST Rating: 9.2

    on sexual assault, homosexuality, transsexuality, heterosexuality and more. . .
    It's reflected in the abnormal. .
    I don't think abnormal is abnormal, so I am against using "perverted" to describe this movie.

    Abnormal is something that is not mainstream.
    It's not acceptable to most people, and I think that's what this movie is.
    Many people should not be able to bear the huge visual and spiritual impact...

  • Carrie Carrie

    Jamir 2022-04-19 09:01:50

    It's a tragedy

    Because of that viral ad that drove me to watch this show, which I thought was going to be a comedy, I was totally surprised. A devout believer gave birth to an illegitimate daughter, and he didn't explain it clearly at the beginning. As the plot progressed, he realized why Carrie was so timid and autistic. Then came Carrie's embarrassment, which was ridiculed, but also loved. After her second embarrassment, she started killing like a white-haired witch. Although she took revenge, she also...

  • Letters from Iwo Jima Letters from Iwo Jima

    Jamir 2022-04-19 09:01:46

    Iwo Jima Letters and Anti-War

    Letter from Iwo Jima is the battle of Iwo Jima from the perspective of Japan, part of the current situation in Japan during World War II, and the people who were swept up by militaristic madness. The protagonist of the film is the battle of Iwo Jima in the eyes of the historical figure General Kuribayashi Tadashi and an ordinary soldier. The Battle of Iwo Jima was the complete loss of Japan's sea and most air control after the Mariana Battle. Under such circumstances, the defense of Iwo Jima...

  • The Negotiator The Negotiator

    Jamir 2022-04-19 09:01:43

    great story!

    Great movie! I
    watched C6 some time ago, and I watched it again tonight. I

    remembered last winter's "screenwriter's strike" incident that caused a lot of uproar in the American film industry, and the two major awards ceremonies were a cold show and a cold war. At that time, I felt that the screenwriters They are too cruelly squeezed by the capitalists of the Hollywood film industry. Now it seems that this kind of resistance is really "rebellious"! Without a good screenwriter, how...

  • Insidious Insidious

    Jamir 2022-04-19 09:01:25

    Horror movie worth watching.

    Horror movies, watch without headphones. There is no soul. From "Flower of Flesh", "The Mermaid of the Sewer", "120 Days of Sodom" and various famous horror movies. In the end, I lost in "Hidden" 1. I haven't watched the next one yet,...

  • TRON: Legacy TRON: Legacy

    Jamir 2022-04-19 09:01:24

    Marrying a daughter-in-law, forgetting your father is a disaster

    After seeing the preview, I excitedly dragged the same table to the theater. The sign of the lack of power was that there were only two people in the middle of each row. It seemed that everyone was not interested in it... But it doesn't matter, there are few people.
    I have to admit that the effect is very powerful. I went for this effect, and it always feels a bit reminiscent of the Matrix. Of course, it is limited to special effects.
    The plot is simple.
    The lines are very...

  • Hichki Hichki

    Jamir 2022-04-17 09:01:14

    About Mr. Hiccup

    The story of an imperfect teacher with a group of imperfect students. Teacher Hiccup is a person who can twitch and hiccup when she talks. She is often rejected by the people around her. Because she was cured by a principal, she is determined to become a teacher no matter what, and she has successfully achieved it. Mr. Hiccup is really a very good teacher. She put the students in her heart.

    Education is not achieved overnight, it is gradual, and it...

  • Chapter One: MADMAX Chapter One: MADMAX

    Jamir 2022-04-07 09:01:07

    The child who once again saved the world

    Eleven, or Jane, exists like a plug-in, but this season's presence is not as strong as the first season, a little regret, I like her very much

    Will is too pitiful. He was brought into the reverse world by monsters at the beginning of the first season, and he was possessed by the second season...

    Jonathan and Nancy's presence this season emmmmm Steve poor baby

    The sheriff is really good. Compared with the atmosphere of getting along with Will Mama, I prefer the family...

  • Transformers: The Last Knight Transformers: The Last Knight

    Jamir 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    The Decade of Transformers Love and Hate

    After watching "Transformers: The Last Knight", I lost my appetite, my chest was tight and short of breath. After a long sleep, it was necessary to write something. Let's summarize this series that people love and hate. After all, ten years are equivalent to ten years. One Cultural Revolution, 1.42 World Wars.
    As a person born in the 1980s, I have strong feelings for Transformers. At that time, the world was not so colorful. The animation and toys of "Transformers" once became very...

  • Three Monkeys Three Monkeys

    Jamir 2022-03-25 09:01:18

    three monkeys

    This movie is about the father taking money as a reward for being in prison. During the time in prison, the mother had a relationship with the person, and the son learned that after the father was released from prison, the relationship between the mother and the person was still entangled, and then The son killed the man. If the murderer is not dealt with, his son will be found sooner or later. Like that person, his father will find someone to take money instead of going to jail, and the...

  • The House of the Spirits The House of the Spirits

    Jamir 2022-03-24 09:03:49

    so wonderful

    It's amazing, every actor, every scene, every minute, I love the voice and eyes of the male lead, his persistence, coldness, tenderness, jealousy, stubbornness, stubbornness, diligence and strength Man, a Warrior Loves This abbreviated version of more than half a century of film condensed so wonderfully condensed that I didn't want to leave the screen for a moment! great! It's amazing, every actor, every scene, every minute, I love the voice and eyes of the male lead, his persistence,...

  • Lady Vengeance Lady Vengeance

    Jamir 2022-03-24 09:01:58

    A gun is hidden in the book

    The dialogue in the film is really not that much. Various scenes are replaced by Jin Zi's expression. We know the answer when we see that face.
        There is no doubt that gold is kind and beautiful, and even in the prison of evil she represents, she is still a woman with a shining face.
         Evil is everywhere.
         From the old policeman's suspicion of Jin Zi's murder at the beginning to later assisting Jin Zi to prove the crime, this is also a kind of compromise and a...

  • Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress

    Jamir 2022-03-23 09:03:18

    Balzac or Mozart?

    Saying that her favorite is Balzac, it is better to say that it is Romin who read Balzac to her every day before she became pregnant.

    The most angry thing is that "Old Man Gao" was burned.

    In front of reality, for the woman he loves, he sold his violin. Can't play Mozart anymore. A total of 25 yuan was sold, 20 yuan was given to her, and 5 yuan was kept for herself to buy a harmonica.

    I think this is true love. Sometimes not necessarily together, but...

  • Jamir 2023-09-20 23:58:50

    The style of the two paragraphs is different

  • Jamir 2023-09-06 21:12:28

    This idea is good. But creativity alone cannot sustain it. The character setting is extremely flat, knowledgeable, but insensitive.

  • Jamir 2023-09-01 17:23:55

    Bad movie, deceived by the name and poor picture quality, probably because of the low cost

  • Jamir 2023-08-15 20:20:35

    One episode, give up.

  • Jamir 2023-08-14 04:00:31

    Filmmakers filming Jin Yong likes to call himself "loyal to the original work", which is not something to brag about. Mr. Cha has written well, and you will naturally be better than your own, most of the time. In terms of loyalty to the original work, the realm can also be divided into pure loyalty to the plot and loyalty to the essence of the charm. The former can be as clumsy as the frivolous gangsters Yang Guo and Wei Xiaobao. Strange to say, some of Jin Yong's works that have been adapted into hype by the dolphin-like ghost Wang Jing are the latter's masterpieces. With the heroic spirit of killing and decisiveness, whether you watch the movie or the original book first, it will be substituted into it. Compared with the mellow and gentle Alyssa Chia version, it is naturally a lot better.

  • Jamir 2023-08-05 12:34:47

    The positioning is to face elementary and junior high school students, so the lines and plots are inevitably low-fashioned and straightforward. But the themes of each episode are well chosen and the character relationships are interesting. If I had kids, I would definitely show her this show.

  • Jamir 2023-08-02 11:23:33

    If the main actor's native language is not the local dialect, then don't start the game without practicing the lines. In the past, it was necessary to experience life in the local area for a long time before being able to integrate into the role. Although the director apologized to the Chinese audience after the end, But the chaotic lines that don't show their teeth still greatly affect the viewing experience, and all the core characters give people the feeling that they can be played well by others. But because of Quentin's presence, I gave the greatest tolerance. As for the film... how do I say it? Those who like it like it.

  • Jamir 2023-07-30 22:59:58

    It should be a funny movie, but there is nothing funny about it. Obviously, it wants to create a funny atmosphere and content, but it seems inexplicable and the ending is bad.

  • Jamir 2023-07-29 23:45:01

    Very warm, but very idealistic, there is no chance to start over in life, and some will be afraid of choices.

  • Jamir 2023-07-27 16:36:26

    The director and screenwriter are both mentally ill, and Mr. Bruce Willis is so short of money that he has completely turned into a bad movie machine! Also, who TMD translated the title!

  • Jamir 2023-07-25 21:06:31

    Let's not score. Just keep in mind that it has long been a recognized fact in film history that Truffaut excavated the artistic value of Xifa. Both content and form lead to a question of where the capabilities and limitations of image representation are. Then there is the director's criticism of the director is sometimes in place, especially many film critics are basically under the premise of making a mystery. A little bit of the headline party Truffaut appeared too few fans and expressed dissatisfaction.

  • Jamir 2023-07-25 13:04:20

    last song give a star

  • Jamir 2023-07-10 01:38:00

    The director wanted to stuff too many things, and abruptly cooked a disaster film into a hodgepodge. Such a high-profile cast could not save this mindless plot. Then look at the hard-core special effects, earthquake survival, bridge tsunami, bus racing, volcano Need for Speed, and beaten domestic 1 billion blockbusters.

  • Jamir 2023-07-08 03:44:52

    One is going forward, the other is going backwards~ In the end, it turns out that the genes have been washed~

  • Jamir 2023-07-02 20:07:32

    I liked it as a kid. . .