- The film is known in Japan as "Digimon Adventure: Muji" (Japanese: デジモン Muji) or "Digimon Adventure: The First Generation".
- The film was imported and translated in North America by Saban Entertainment (now defunct).
- In order to adapt to cultural differences, the English dubbed version of the film has made major changes in characters and place names: やがみたいち (YagamiTaichi) is translated as "TaiKamiya", Ishida Yamato (IshidaYamato) is abbreviated as "Matt", Izumi Izumi Koushiro is abbreviated as "Izzy", Kido Jo is translated as "Joe Kido", Takaishi Takeru is "TK", and Yagami Hikari is translated as "Kari Kamiya".
- Compared with the original Japanese version, the dubbed version in Taiwan, China also has differences in character names and locations. This is due to the lack of strict language expression in the original version - for example, the corresponding Chinese character for "Takaishi タケル" should be "Takaishi Wu", but In the Japanese version, it is written as "Takaishidake" - on the other hand, because of the influence of the English version during the translation process - for example, the corresponding Chinese characters for "Wu ノ Neikong" and "Yigami ヒカリ" are "Takenouchi Sora" and "Iori". Light", but the Chinese version is transliterated as "Takenouchi Sora" and "Iori Jia'er". In addition, some translation errors are due to habits, such as "Odaiba" being called "Odaiba".
- This film was introduced in mainland China in 2002 and translated by Guangdong Radio and Television station, but unfortunately, some clips of this version have been lost, and due to copyright, it is almost impossible to watch it on the Internet platform.
- The mainland Chinese dubbed version is based on the translation of the Taiwanese version, with only a few minor changes, such as "Wukong Beast" being translated as "gorilla beast".
- The film's sequels are " Digimon Adventure02 " (2000) and "Digimon Adventuretri." (2015).
Digimon: Digital Monsters behind the scenes gags
2022-03-18 08:01
Extended Reading
Digimon: Digital Monsters quotes
Recording over telephone: At the tone, the time will be exactly 45 miles per hour and 90 seconds.
Tai: I'm so hungry I could eat a horse!
Izzy: I'd settle for a small cow.