Metropolis evaluation action

2022-03-18 08:01
"Metropolis", a manga created by Osamu Tezuka, was re-adapted by Otomo Keyo. In addition to retaining the original main story, it also strengthened the problems encountered by humans in the age of technology, and highlighted the inner conflict between humans and robots. The film strongly satirizes the extreme form of industrial society development in a sci-fi way, showing that when the worship of machines exceeds a certain limit, the conflict between human nature and machines will be fully revealed. In the film, in the process of Kenichi's heroic act, the hero himself is unaware of his heroic act. A heroic act that was originally a heroic act was handled by the director into a very personal and emotional tragedy. Is in love. Embodies the brilliance of human nature.  
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Extended Reading
  • Jude 2022-03-18 09:01:10

    (8/10) I gave this film a bad review eight years ago. Maybe time and experience can really slowly change people's views, and now I don't have the same bad impression of this film as it used to be. It should be said that as a work in 2001, the picture of this animation is still very luxurious, but the plot does progress too fast, and although the story structure of the animated version follows Tezuka's original work, the meaning is not the same. It is also the protagonist who finally becomes a big BOSS. The original manga is that the protagonist is forced by the villains from a good guy to a bad guy, and the animation version is a robot without emotions that has a little bit of emotion (this is less novel than the original). In general, the animated version enhances the rough scenes of the original, but does not sublimate the idea of ​​the original, which is its regret. In terms of character creation, the addition of Locke in the animated version is a bright spot, and the limelight completely overshadowed Kenichi (Locke often appears in Tezuka's works, and is basically the second male villain of ten thousand years); the heroine Tima is also a wonderful character, but the role is not as good as The corresponding comic character Mickey is prominent (the protagonist of the comic version did not reconcile with Kenichi at the end, and Tezuka's works are often so cold.)

  • Alex 2022-03-21 09:03:30

    It's a classic and exquisite film in every way, but it's really boring. Even a person like me who can really tolerate smokiness feels bored. . .

Metropolis quotes

  • Tima: I am who?

  • Rock: Really? So, what are you then? A human?

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